1560 你最喜欢从事什么样的活动呢?

1560 你最喜欢从事什么样的活动呢?



Day 22: What activities do you most enjoy doing?


Hi, you're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Sarah. I'm from Germany. I'm in Chiang Mai right now because I love Thailand and Thai food and the tropical weather. I'm a contractor for a German insurance company, and in my free time, I enjoy doing yoga, and I meditate, and I love hosting people and just have people around me. My dream is to have a co-working space again. Today I'm asked a question by Lily. What activities do you most enjoy doing? Yeah, so the activities I most enjoy doing is actually hosting dinner parties, 


Because first, I don't think I'm a great chef, but it is not so much about the food or it is not so much about how you set up the table or how much time you spend preparing or have everything looking instagrammable. It is more like inviting people over a meal and sharing a meal, because everyone eats at least once a day. So this is something everyone would give you a yes. And even if you're not great in cooking, dinner parties can also be set up at potlucks, so people just bring their own little dishes, and then you share a meal together. And when you combine this with a little bit of maybe questions or just maybe even a theme or something, it's a great opportunity to serve community and to get to know new people. You can make new people easy. You can strengthen and maintain the relationships you have with friends and family. People can even bring other people so you can expand the community you have. So, yeah, I think hosting dinner parties is a fun way to be social in a healthy way. Yes, that's it. Thanks for listening.




中文解释: 承包商

英文解释: A person or company that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labor to perform a service or do a job.


中文解释: 适合Instagram分享的

英文解释: A term used to describe something that is visually appealing and suitable for sharing on the social media platform Instagram.


中文解释: 可能是“potluck”和“spot”结合的词,指的是每个客人都带一道菜的社交活动。

英文解释: Likely a combination of "pot" and "spot," indicating a social gathering where each guest contributes a dish of food to be shared.

4.Co-working Space:

中文解释: 共同办公空间

英文解释: A shared office space where individuals from different businesses or freelancers work together in a communal setting.


中文解释: 保持

英文解释: To keep something in good condition or preserve it; to continue or persevere in an action or state.


中文解释: 沉思

英文解释: The action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time; deep reflective thought.


中文解释: 团契,友谊

英文解释: A friendly association with others based on shared interests or common goals.


中文解释: 贡献者

英文解释: A person or thing that contributes something, especially money, to a cause.


中文解释: 有吸引力的

英文解释: Evoking interest, desire, or approval; attractive.


中文解释: 正念

英文解释: The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something; a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment.








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