1557 (苏格兰口音)什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子?

1557 (苏格兰口音)什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子?



Day 10: What has helped you become more of who you are?


Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Graham. I'm from Scotland. I'm in Chiang Mai. Now, because of work, I'm in advertising, and in my free time, I love to keep myself occupied with reading, with writing, and with watching movies. Today I'm asked a question by Lily, and that question is, what has helped you become more of who you are? Which is actually a great question, and I would answer that most simply by curiosity. Where I am right now in my career is an executive creative director, where I have to do advertising, communications for all kinds of things. Could be a mobile phone, one week, could be a hotel. So I always need to learn, always need to find out more about new products and people and cultures. And that has helped me not just professionally, but I would say, in my private life, curiosity, learning new things, meeting new people. I would say that's the main driver of becoming who I am. Thank you. 



1.Occupied (忙碌)

2.Executive Creative Director (执行创意总监)

3.Communications (传播)

4.Curiosity (好奇心)

5.Professionally (职业上)

6.Driver (动力)

7.Cultures (文化)

8.Mobile Phone (手机)

9.Advertising (广告)

10.Overseeing (监督)



尤其是她强调,不论我们身处何种处境,做了什么选择,我们都可以对自己说:“我现在正处于我应该在的地方,I'm exactly where I need to be.” 我并不是那么相信生命不能重来的说法,我深信每一天都有可能成为最好的一天。


  • AdamLambert_Mu

    精彩的采访 学英语就找Lily