珍妮·古道尔博士 | 我对环境现状的愤怒

珍妮·古道尔博士 | 我对环境现状的愤怒


If I'm greeting you now I will approach youwith [chimpanzee sounds]. Every single one of us  makes some impact every single day. Choose wisely.如果我现在跟你打招呼,我会用[黑猩猩的声音]接近你。我们每个人每天都在产生影响。做出明智的选择。
Obstinacy, not going to give up and the more people, you know do these awful things to the environment the more angry I get. But directing that anger into finding a way for them to change from within. 固执,不愿放弃,越多的人做出破坏环境的可怕事情,我就越生气。但要把愤怒转化为从内心改变的方法。
It's no good shouting at them and yelling at themand pointing fingers and telling them that they're destroying the planet and they should be ashamed of themselves. They won't listen.对他们大喊大叫,指指点点,告诉他们他们正在摧毁地球,他们应该为自己感到羞耻,这些都没用。他们不会听的。
They mightgive lip service to it, especially if it's a photo op or a sound bite, but to reach the heart you have to find a story that reaches the heart so that they want to change.尤其是当着拍照或录音的机会时,他们可能只是嘴上答应,但要打动人心,你必须找到一个能打动人心的故事,这样他们才会想要改变。
Renewable energy:if governments had put the money behind it that they instead pay to extractive industries, then we'd be further along and we'd probably be relying.可再生能源:如果政府不是把钱投在采矿业,而是发展可再生能源上,依靠它们我们能走得更远。
China's hoping to rely on solar and windenergy very soon and you know some countries are more advanced than others. If we treated animals and nature with respect we wouldn't have these pandemics, because there'll be another one for sure.中国很快就能依靠太阳能和风能,有的国家比其他国家更先进。如果我们尊重动物和自然,我们就不会有这些流行疾病,因为有了一次,肯定还会有下一次。
The reason for hope is the fact that weknow what we should do. It's very clear what we should do and what we should not do, but do we have the will to do or not, to do those things. That's the key.我们之所以抱有希望,是因为我们知道我们应该做什么。我们很清楚应该做什么,不应该做什么,但我们是不是愿意去做这些事情,这才是关键。
If enough people, you know,think about what they buy what they wear or where did it come from, did it harm the environment, if enough people think about either planting trees or contributing money for other people to plant trees, if people try and turn away from eating a lot of animal products to plant-based diet, that's an incredibly important move that people can make to save the planet.如果有足够多的人,想想他们买的东西,穿的衣服来自哪里,是否对环境造成危害,如果有足够多的人考虑植树或捐钱让其他人植树,如果人们尝试从吃大量的动物产品转向植物性产品,这个重要的举动甚至可以拯救地球。
What can we learnfrom the chimpanzee? Well for one thing we learned that they don't overpopulate their environment. So until we come along and start cutting it down, they're living in complete harmony with nature.我们能从黑猩猩身上学到什么?有一点我们是知道的,黑猩猩不会在它们的环境中过度繁殖。在我们开始砍伐森林之前,它们一直与大自然和谐共处。

