709 – 现在进行时还有这个功用

709 – 现在进行时还有这个功用

It is a peaceful Saturday morning. Mike and Tina are at home. They are sitting at a table, eating breakfast.

At this moment, Tina is drinking coffee. She is eating a pastry. She is sitting across the table from Mike, her husband. She is talking to Mike.

Mike is sitting at the table with Tina. He is drinking English Breakfast Tea and eating a croissant. He is not listening to Tina, because Tina is always gossiping.

After breakfast, Mike and Tina are going for shopping. They are driving to the store.

Annoying repeating actions
1.She is always making a mess!
2.He is always causing trouble.
3.This guy is always smoking!
4.Lucy is constantly talking.
5.Jay is constantly biting his nails.
  • 英语是一生奋斗的目标


    录程留学 回复 @英语是一生奋斗的目标: 你好,你的提议非常好👍我和你私信联系

  • Seashell2128

    Nicole老师,您半个月没更新了,what's happened with you?

    录程留学 回复 @Seashell2128: 最近真的有些忙,抱歉没有更新。不过应该快了