奥兰多·布鲁姆 | 讲述自己的精神健康问题

奥兰多·布鲁姆 | 讲述自己的精神健康问题


When I was 19, I fell three floors from a window and broke my back. I was very fortunate to survive the fall, because my spinal cord was still just intact. And when I was in hospital, I was told for the first four days that I may never walk again.19岁那年,我从三楼的窗户上摔下来,摔断了背。幸运的是,我从跌落中活了下来,因为我的脊髓仍然完好无损。住院的头四天,我被告知我可能再也无法行走了。
I’m Orlando Bloom, International Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF. That was really the beginning of what was a long and painful journey for me into recognizing and understanding some of the patterns that had been in my life that had led me to having numerous accidents.我是奥兰多·布鲁姆,联合国儿童基金会国际亲善大使。对我来说,那是一段漫长而痛苦的旅程的开始,我开始认识和理解自己生活的模式,这些模式让我出现了多次意外。
And the culmination was breaking my back, which was a near-death experience. So after the surgery, I got a back brace and I was able to start physio, and I actually walked out of hospital on crutches after 12 days, which was really remarkable and unheard of.这些模式最终让我的背部骨折,那是一次濒临死的经历。手术后,我戴上了背甲,开始进行理疗,12天后我就拄着拐杖出院了,能做到这样真的是前所未闻,太了不起了。
I would say the months after the fall were quite a dark time. As somebody who’d sort of always been very active in my life, it felt very restrictive all of a sudden and I was in a lot of pain.我跌落后的几个月是人生中非常黑暗的时期。作为一个在生活中一直非常活跃的人,我突然感觉受到了很大的限制,而且非常痛苦。
And I would say that for me, the injury created time and space for me to look at my life, recognize what was good and great in my life and the fact that I had this recovery and then build that into the way that I live my life.对我来说,这次受伤为我创造了时间和空间,让我重新审视自己的生活,明白生活中的美好和伟大之处,以及我康复的事实,然后将这些融入到我的生活方式中。
Because mental health is particularly challenging because it’s unseen. There is always an opportunity for you to transform the pain, whether it be physical or mental, into the great good fortunate of your life.心理健康特别具有挑战性,因为它是看不见摸不着的。你总有机会把无论是身体上还是精神上的痛苦,转化为你生命中巨大的幸运。
And it is so important to reach out to people, to talk to people to find somebody, in order to create the possibility for communication that leads to transformation and change. It starts with one moment, one conversation, it starts with one question, “What’s on your mind?”与人接触,与人交谈,找到合适的人是非常重要的,这样才能创造交流的可能性,从而带来转变和改变。或许它始于一个时刻,一次对话,一个“你在想什么?”的问题。

