


Hello, Mister Munger. My name is Chris Antonio from Marin County. And my question is, you prove, you talk frequently about having the moral imperative to be rational, and yet as humans, we're constantly carrying this evolutionary baggage which gets in the way of us thinking rashly. Are there any tools or behaviors you embrace to facilitate your rush no thinking?

The answer is, of course. I heard they do anything else. And one of my favorite tricks is the inversion process. Eh? Give you an example. When I was a meteorologist in World War 2, they told me how to draw whether my absent predict the weather or, or actually doing is clearing pilots to take flights. And. He just reversed the problem. I inverted. I said, suppose I wanted to kill a lot of pilots, what would be the easy way to do it?

And I soon concluded the only easy way to do it really get the planes and the icing the planes couldn't handle or to get the pilot to a place where he'd run a fuel before he could safely land. So I made up my mind I was gonna stay miles away from killing pilots by, for, by either icing or getting them into socket and conditions when they couldn't land.

I think that help maybe a better meteorologist in World War 2. I just reverse the problem and if somebody hired me to fix India, I would immediately say, what could I do if I really wanted to hurt India? I figure out all the things that would, could most easily hurt India and then I figure out how to avoid them.

Now you'd say it's the same thing, it's just in reverse. That works better to frequently to invert the problem. If you're a meteorologist, it really helps if you really know how to avoid something, which is the only thing that's gonna kill your pilots. I, if you can help Andy a best if you understand what will really hurt India the easiest and worse.

Alger works the same way. Every great algebraic converts all the time because the problems are solved easier. Human beings should do the same thing on the ordinary walks of life is constantly a bird. You don't think about what you want. You think what you want to avoid. Or when you're thinking what you want to avoid, you also think about what you want. And you just go back and forth all the time.

Peter Coffman, who's here today, he likes the idea that you wanna know how the world looks from the top looking down, and you wanna know what it looks like from the bottom looking up. Maybe you don't have both points of view. Your reality recognize measure as well. Peter's right. An inversion is the same thing. Just such a simple trick to think, how does this look from the people above me?

How does it look from the view about the evening? How can I hurt these people I'm trying to help? All these things help you think it through. And there's such simple tricks like the lever. They really help. And yep, our great educational systems give advanced degrees. They don't teach people. These sounds simple tricks. They're wrong.

