Life in the 80s

Life in the 80s


Todd: Rachel, did you grow up in New Zealand? 


Rachel: Yes. I did. 


Todd: Nice. I grew up in the States, and I thought we would talk about how life is so much different for teens today than it was for our generation. 

托德:很好。 我在美国长大,我想我们应该谈谈当今青少年的生活与我们这一代人的生活有多大不同。 

Rachel: Okay. I think we can do that. 


Todd: Obviously the first thing is that when we were young, we didn't have smart phones and things like that. We didn't have the internet, actually.

托德:显然,第一件事是,当我们年轻的时候,我们没有智能手机之类的东西。 事实上,我们没有互联网。 

Rachel: We didn't have internet. We didn't have email. 

雷切尔:我们没有互联网。 我们没有电子邮件。 

Todd: Yeah. I remember if you wanted to meet a friend, you would have to plan it way in advance. 

托德:是的。 我记得如果你想见朋友,你必须提前计划。 

Rachel: Yes. 


Todd: You would have to wait by the phone. Remember that, waiting by the phone. You couldn't go outside because if you were waiting for the call, you had to wait at your house until you got the call, and then... 

托德:你必须在电话旁等待。 请记住,在电话旁等待。 你不能出去,因为如果你在等电话,你就必须在家里等,直到接到电话,然后...... 

Rachel: We didn't even have an answering machine at my house. 


Todd: Wow, my gosh. That's really old school. 

托德:哇,天哪。 这真是老派了。

Rachel: We used to have to wait by the phone. 


Todd: Yeah. 


Rachel: I used to spend every afternoon after school on the phone with my friends. After we got home from school, we would call each other, and discuss the day's events I suppose. 

雷切尔:我以前每天下午放学后都会和朋友们打电话。 放学回家后,我们会互相打电话,讨论当天发生的事情。 

Todd: Yeah, you had so much to share. That's true. I think... 

托德:是的,你有很多东西要分享。 这是真的。 我认为... 

Rachel: So, my teens these days, they come home from school, they get on their phone, and they text all their friends. 


Todd: Right. And they do it all day, like it's constant. Constant chatter. 


Rachel: Yeah. 


Todd: I think maybe that's why I'm not so much into texting. It's just too much work. I like to build up the mystery of not knowing what somebody did for a while. 

托德:我想也许这就是我不太喜欢发短信的原因。 工作量太大了。 我喜欢营造一种暂时不知道某人做了什么的神秘感。 

Rachel: Mm, yeah. But I was thinking about it recently, and I think that it was similar because we used to telephone a lot. But then we did have to wait a long time before finding the news. 雷切尔:嗯,是的。 但我最近在想,我认为这很相似,因为我们过去经常打电话。 但后来我们确实等了很长时间才找到消息。 

Todd: True. Yeah, I read once about how a lot of the movie plots from the '60s, '70s, and '80s wouldn't work today because of cell phones. 

托德:确实如此。 是的,我曾经读到过,很多 60 年代、70 年代和 80 年代的电影情节因为手机而无法在今天发挥作用。 

Rachel: Yes. 


Todd: Because a lot of the story line... 


Rachel: ...are about missed communications and... 


Todd: Right, right. Yeah. 

托德:对,对。 是的。 

Rachel: Yes. And somebody arrived and somebody else didn't. 

雷切尔:是的。 有人到达了,而其他人没有到达。 

Todd: Another one I think that's really obvious is bottled water. When I grew up, there was no such thing as bottled water. You had to get water from a faucet, right? 

托德:我认为另一个非常明显的问题是瓶装水。 当我长大的时候,还没有瓶装水这样的东西。 你必须从水龙头取水,对吗? 

Rachel: Yes, or a tap. 


Todd: Yeah, and I think I remember when they first started coming out with bottled water. I think I was about 14 or 15. 

托德:是的,我想我记得他们第一次开始推出瓶装水的时候。 我想我大概14或15岁。

Rachel: It was a bit later in New Zealand, I think. 


Todd: Yeah. That was crazy. I mean, do you remember what it was like when people were first drinking bottled water, how strange it seemed at the time? Everyone was like, "Why don't you get it from the tap?" 

托德:是的。 那太疯狂了。 我的意思是,你还记得人们第一次喝瓶装水时的感觉吗?当时看起来有多奇怪? 每个人都说,“你为什么不从水龙头里取水呢?” 

Rachel: Well, it's very clean in New Zealand, so the tap water was clean. So, there was really no reason. 

雷切尔:嗯,新西兰很干净,所以自来水也很干净。 所以,实在是没有什么理由。 

Todd: Yeah, if you come from a temperate climate, it was never a problem, right? Because you just ... I'm from a temperate climate as well, and so the water doesn't really have problems with bacteria or things like that. It's always clean. It used to be clean. In New Zealand, it's probably still clean. 

托德:是的,如果你来自温带气候,这从来都不是问题,对吧? 因为你只是……我也来自温带气候,所以水并没有真正存在细菌或类似物质的问题。 它总是很干净。 以前是干净的。 在新西兰,它可能仍然很干净。 

Rachel: The rivers used to be clean, but they're not so clean now. 


Todd: Oh really? Even in New Zealand? 

托德:哦,真的吗? 即使在新西兰? 

Rachel: Problems, yeah. 


Todd: Oh, really. Shocking. 

托德:噢,真的。 令人震惊。 

Rachel: Mm, it's a bit sad. Todd: Yeah. How about other things that we used to do when we were kids. One thing is, I think compared to kids today, is we used to spend a lot of time outside. 

托德:是的。 我们小时候做过的其他事情怎么样? 一件事是,我认为与今天的孩子相比,我们过去常常在外面度过很多时间。 

Rachel: Yes. 


Todd: Actually, our parents would not allow you to stay inside. You had to go outside. 

托德:事实上,我们的父母不允许你呆在里面。 你必须到外面去。  

Rachel: You had to go outside. 


Todd: Right? 


Rachel: It's the opposite today. 


Todd: Yeah. Rachel: They tend to make them stay inside, won't let them go outside. 


Todd: Why is that? What's the rationale for why they should stay inside? 

托德:这是为什么? 他们应该呆在里面的理由是什么? 

Rachel: Safety. 


Todd: Safety? 


Rachel: Mm. 


Todd: Yeah. 


Rachel: We didn't used to hear about all of the kidnappings and abuse in the media, so people weren't afraid of it. 


Todd: Right. Yeah. And the crazy thing is I think... 

托德:对。 是的。 最疯狂的是我认为... 

Rachel: You hear about it now. 


Todd: It's actually safer now, right? They say... 

托德:现在实际上更安全了,对吧? 他们说... 

Rachel: Yeah, it's safer now. Todd: Even in the states, where they hear about this, I think statistics say that it's actually safer that it was before, but the perception is there. 


Rachel: Although that could be because the children are all inside. 


Todd: That's true. Yeah. 

托德:确实如此。 是的。 

Rachel: That's a difficult one to figure out. But I don't think it's that unsafe to play outside. I think it's better for kids socially, for their bodies, for their development to play outside if they can. 

雷切尔:这是一个很难弄清楚的问题。 但我不认为在外面玩有那么不安全。 我认为如果可以的话,出去玩对孩子们的社交、身体和发育都更好。 

Todd: I agree. I totally agree. Kids definitely should be outside. And kids should be bored. I think that's one of the things that kids miss out on is boredom. 

托德:我同意。 我完全同意。 孩子们绝对应该在外面。 孩子们应该感到无聊。 我认为孩子们错过的事情之一就是无聊。 

Rachel: They're never bored now. They've always got a screen to look at. 

雷切尔:他们现在从不感到无聊。 他们总是有一个屏幕可以看。 

Todd: Right. So, obviously when we were young, you had nothing to do, so you had to go outside and find something. 

托德:对。 所以,显然当我们年轻的时候,你无事可做,所以你必须到外面去寻找一些东西。

Rachel: Climb a tree. 


Todd: Yeah. Exactly. Oh, that's so fun. 

托德:是的。 确切地。 哦,那太有趣了。 

Rachel: I thought of something. We used to have video watching parties. 

雷切尔:我想到了一件事。 我们曾经举办过视频观看聚会。 

Rachel: Oh, yeah. Rachel: Because only one person in 10 had a video machine. 


Todd: Right. 


Rachel: We would all go to the video store together, and argue over which videos to watch, and choose some horror movies and some comedies. And then go to one person's house, and all watch them altogether. 

雷切尔:我们会一起去音像店,争论该看哪些视频,然后选择一些恐怖片和喜剧片。 然后到一个人家里,大家一起看。 

Todd: I do remember that. Yeah. It was a big thing. 

托德:我确实记得这一点。 是的。 这是一件大事。 

Rachel: No Netflix binging, but yeah, having a video party at someone's house was a big deal. 雷切尔:没有看 Netflix 的狂欢,但是,是的,在某人家里举办视频派对是一件大事。 

Todd: And I think movies were a much bigger deal back then because we didn't have screen time. There was no such thing as screen time. You had your TV, but that was not the same thing. Your parents wouldn't let you watch that much TV anyway. And so a movie was a big deal. 

托德:我认为当时电影更重要,因为我们没有放映时间。 没有屏幕时间这样的东西。 你有电视,但那不是一回事。 无论如何,你的父母不会让你看那么多电视。 所以电影是一件大事。

Rachel: It was more of a big deal. You didn't just watch it on Netflix when you were bored. 

雷切尔:这是一件大事。 你不只是在无聊的时候在 Netflix 上观看它。 

Todd: Yeah, but a kid these days, it's just they're on their screen all the time. It's just more digital pixels. Yeah, different times. 

托德:是的,但现在还是个孩子,他们总是在屏幕上。 只是更多的数字像素。 是的,不同时代。

