


  She was sick all the next day, and on Saturday went home,quite tired of her fortnight's fun.
  'I'm glad to be home,'she said to her mother and Jo,after telling them how she was dressed up like a doll,drank too much wine,and was ill afterwards.She had laughed while telling them the story,but her face still looked worried at the end.
  'There is something else,I think,'said Mrs March,smoothing Meg' s cheek,which suddenly became rose-red.
  'Yes,'Meg said slowly.'I hate people saying and thinking awful things about us and Laurie.'Then she told them the gossip she had heard.
  'What rubbish!'said Jo.'Just wait until I see Annie Moffat!How stupid to think that Mother has “plans”,and that we are kind to Laurie because he is rich and may marry one of us one day.He'll laugh when I tell him!'
  'No,Jo,'said her mother.'You must never repeat wicked gossip.
  'Do you have “plans”,Mother?'asked Meg.
  'All mothers do,dear,'said Mrs March.'But my plans are different from Mrs Moffat's,I suspect.I want my daughters to be loved,and I want people to think well of them.I want them to marry well,but not to marry rich men just because they are rich.I'd rather you were poor men's wives,if that meant you had happy,peaceful lives.But your father and I believe that we'll always be proud of our daughters,whether they are married or single.'
  'You will,you will!said Meg and Jo,together.


