小朋友,你好!我是大熊,欢迎你到wowschool跟大熊玩英语。今天的故事叫做Goodnight Harry!晚安Harry!小朋友,你有没有睡不着的时候呢?故事的主人公Harry就遇到了麻烦,他怎么都睡不着。到底是怎么回事呢?快来听听吧!
Harry theelephant was getting ready for bed with his friends, Lulu and Ted.
“Goodnight,everyone,” said Harry.
“Zzz,” wentLulu. “Snore,” went Ted.
Harry laywaiting. But sleep didn’t come.
“I forgot mybedtime story,” thought Harry.
He opened hisbooks. He looked at the pictures.
He looked atthe words. His eyes grew heavy.
He snuggled down again.
“I’m waiting,” hesaid. But sleep didn’t come to Harry.
“Perhaps I’mnot really tired,” thought Harry.
He hung up hisclothes. He tidied his room.
He ran on thespot. He touched his toes.
He hopped onone foot. He jumped up and down.
Then Harry gotback into bed.
“Zzz,”wentLulu. “Snore,” went Ted. “I’m waiting,” said Harry.
But nothinghappened.
“Perhaps I’mnot really comfy,” thought Harry.
He stretchedout one way. He stretched out the other.
He lay on histummy. He lay on his back.
He closed hiseyes tight.
“Zzz,” wentLulu. “Snore,” went Ted. “I’m still awake,” sighed Harry.
Then Harrybegan to worry. He worried and worried. He just couldn’t stop.
He thought oftomorrow. He thought of today. He thought about nothing. He thought about lots.
He wriggledand squiggled. He rolled in a ball...and he took all the blankets.
“Hey!” saidLulu, waking up with a start. Wake up with a start的意思是惊醒。
“Harry, whatare you doing?” said Ted.
“I can’t get tosleep,” said Harry sadly.
Harry lookedout of the window. He rubbed his tired eyes.
“What if sleepnever ever comes at all?” he said.
“Never mind,Harry,” said Lulu. “We’re here, Harry,” said Ted.
The threelittle friends sat close together. They looked at the world outside.
Lulu sang asong to the moon.
Ted counted thebright evening stars.
They heard anowl hoot. Petals fell in the breeze.
They felt thedew of the night.
Harry snuggledup with Lulu and Ted.
His eyes feltheavy. He gave a big yawn.
“Goodnight,Harry,” said Lulu. “Sweet dreams, Harry,” said Ted.
But Harry wasfast asleep, and “snuffle” was all he said.
🈶👻🐶凤凰➕好吃鱼塘“😡🌸😋放过🔥过会j_gkgg你服不警察局公开课头都疼地铁翻译地搭嘎GIF有刚发G8关系卡卡观察哦呼吸哦哈IG洗Gigi关系几个婆婆v铺v好吃哦好哦好粗浦发怕就怕v巴巴爸爸👨🏻并不会v🥁↑🔣放过鬼过会怪不笔画vvvvv吃好 vvv放心哥5 ”
苍炎刃鬼幽灵系太晶化 回复 @听友121341537: 电高哥哥在古风歌