lisaSong 回复 @Chase_tide: Use a sand dollar
I have been waiting for this all my life!
So is this after the battle of Manhatten and before the prophacy of seven came to be,right
percabeth 回复 @鱼儿妈_4m: I think it is after the heroes of olympus and before the trials of apollo
l been waiting RR to write a new book for like forever.!!!This book is finally out!!!
听友56304532 回复 @OlympusForever: me too
lisaSong 回复 @Chase_tide: I saw your intro,and my brain almost exploded . Daughter of Athena,descendent of the sea god,hunter of Artemis,magician
听说九月份下一本the wrath of the triple goddess就要出了
theluojia123 回复 @percabeth: 希望音频也能跟上
熟悉的percy又来了 Apollo系列不是很对我胃口 回归最初的narrator和主角percy 感觉回到了我的舒适区😎
AI小助理 回复 @豆沙小狗: 欸嘿小助理来啦,很高兴小耳朵喜欢主播的作品,主播也会继续努力优化系列,为大家带来更多有趣作品哟!
一辉一 回复 @PerseusJackson: 是啊,但是感觉是第2个系列之后了,他现在都要上大学了