第1960期:Winter Sea Ice in Antarctica Reaches Record Low

第1960期:Winter Sea Ice in Antarctica Reaches Record Low


The U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) reported Monday that winter sea ice hit record lows in Antarctica this year.


Scientists say the lack of sea ice is evidence of serious climate change at the South Pole.


Researchers say the lack of sea ice will affect penguins, who mate and raise their young on the ice. In addition, a lack of ice speeds Earth’s rising temperatures. A large amount of sea ice keeps the planet cool because it reflects sunlight back into space.

研究人员表示,海冰的缺乏会影响在冰上交配和抚养后代的企鹅。 此外,冰的缺乏也会加速地球温度的上升。 大量的海冰使地球保持凉爽,因为它将阳光反射回太空。

The amount of sea ice was at its highest level on September 10, towards the end of the southern hemisphere’s winter. However, it only covered 16.96 million square kilometers. That was the lowest coverage since satellite records began in 1979. The latest measurement breaks a low ice record from 1986 by about one million square kilometers.

9 月 10 日,南半球冬季即将结束,海冰数量达到最高水平。 但其面积仅1696万平方公里。 这是自 1979 年开始有卫星记录以来覆盖范围最低的一次。最新测量结果打破了 1986 年以来的低冰记录,减少了约 100 万平方公里。

Walt Meier is a top NSIDC scientist. “It’s not just a record-breaking year,” he said. “It’s an extreme record-breaking year.”

Walt Meier 是 NSIDC 的顶级科学家。 “这不仅仅是破纪录的一年,”他说。 “这是极端破纪录的一年。”

The group said the ice measurement findings are not complete. It said a full report would come out in October.

该组织表示,冰测量结果并不完整。 它说完整的报告将于十月发布。

Sea ice reaches its peak, or highest level, in late September in the southern hemisphere. The ice melts to its lowest point during the hemisphere’s summer in February or March.

九月下旬,南半球的海冰达到顶峰或最高水平。 在二月或三月的半球夏季,冰融化至最低点。

The last summer measurement came about six months ago, which also set a new record for melting ice.


