


> Escalating crime threatens Oakland’s restaurant industry


In recent years, the city of Oakland, Californi, has been beset with a surge in crime, posing a severe threat to its local restaurant industry.


Data from the local police department reveals a significant rise in burglaries in Oakland's busiest commercial districts, soaring from 6,231 cases in 2020 to 8,229 cases in 2022.


Incidents of vehicle and store break-ins also have become highly frequent. Ryan, the owner of the Mexican restaurant Calavera, lamented that local residents are increasingly hesitant to dine out. Most opt for a quick movie night and head home, leading to a 25 percent drop in revenue at his establishment, he said. Employee numbers have dwindled from 50 to 30.


Ryan also said that his car has been broken into four times in the past year. The deteriorating safety around his restaurant has resulted in negative online reviews, further deterring potential customers.


There have been instances where criminals have driven vehicles directly into restaurants, stealing cash or other goods, instilling fear among the community, police said.


Reports suggest that city officials in Oakland have been slow to respond to the rampant crime, with inadequate allocations for security measures. To make ends meet, some restaurants have had to dip into their own pockets to rent parking lots and hire security personnel to ensure the safety of their customers. However, not all restaurants can bear the financial burden of the added cost.




英 /dɪˈtɜː(r)/

美 /dɪˈtɜːr/



英 /ˌæləˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/

美 /ˌæləˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/

n. 配给量,划拨款,份额;分配,分派

>No signs of deflation seen amid recovery


China's economy is positioned for continued recovery given the ongoing policy support and an uptick in economic indicators, keeping any potential risk of deflation at bay, officials and international experts said on Wednesday.

9月20日,国家发展改革委官员和国际专家表示, 随着政策组合拳效应逐步显现,多数指标边际改善,经济运行持续恢复,中国经济不存在所谓的通缩。

"Since the beginning of the year, prices have been at a low level, which we need to pay attention to," said Cong Liang, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission.


"However, taking into account the price level, demand recovery, economic growth and money supply factors, it can be concluded that there is no so-called deflation in the Chinese economy, and deflation will not occur later on," Cong said at a news conference on Wednesday.


China's consumer price index, a major gauge of inflation, showed a positive growth of 0.1 percent year-on-year in August amid recovering domestic demand characterized by accelerated retail sales, a pickup in lending activity and signs of a property market uptick in some regions .


Price levels are likely to continue to improve and reach close to the annual average as market demand recovers while the unfavorable base effect fades, Cong said.


He added that policymakers will amplify macroeconomic adjustments while focusing on expanding domestic demand, boosting confidence and preventing risks. "The economy will pick up with a positive long-term outlook as positive factors add up while the policy effect accumulates."


Hoe Ee Khor, chief economist of the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office, said he does not see China anywhere near deflation. "China's economy is nowhere near a state where the economy is seeing very sluggish demand and low credit or money supply growth – conditions usually associated with deflation."

东盟与中日韩宏观经济研究办公室首席经济学家Hoe Ee Khor表示,他认为中国不会出现通缩。“中国经济远未达到需求非常低迷、信贷或货币供应增长率低的状态——这种情况通常与通缩有关。”

Zou Lan, head of the monetary policy department of the People's Bank of China, said the central bank will strengthen counter-cyclical adjustments as there remains ample policy space to deal with any greater-than-expected challenges.


Zou said the central bank will keep liquidity conditions ample, lower financing costs of the real economy and encourage financial institutions to reprice outstanding mortgages and support the resolution of local government debt risks.




英 /ˌdiːˈfleɪʃn/

美 /ˌdiːˈfleɪʃn/

n. 通货紧缩;放气

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