


主播:梅莉 | Wendi

 歌曲  Smile





Princess Pingyang, without relying on her father or brothers, and without relying on her husband or sons, was able to stand against a million strong warriors on the battlefield, making her a model of women throughout the world.

这一段,传达了a strong sense of feminism(很强的女性主义) and woman power(女性力量),这也是西方社会非常关注的话题,it shows how much our ways of thinking has changed throughout the years

Woman are able to be more independent now compared to the past.跟过去相比,女人正变得更加独立。



Your own biological brother, your birth mother, your future husband, and your own children ultimately cannot accompany you throughout your entire life. The path of a lifetime is determined by how you navigate it yourself.

这段话挺扎心的。It is quite sad but the truth. 家人毕竟不可能陪我们一辈子。We need to figure out for ourselves. 我们要为自己的未来考虑,要学会spend time alone(独处),以及make decisions alone(自己拿主意)。

The western cultures would agree with this statement(西方文化会认同这个观点),因为不像亚洲文化,人老后会有子女照顾,在西方文化里,older people are mostly put into nursing homes(人老后会被送去养老院),这也是中西文化差异比较大的一点。



As a married couple, we each have our own roles to play in order to maintain harmony in the household. I cannot take on the responsibility of bearing children for the new bride, and she also does not need to bear the burden of my future prospects. 

In a relationship a man and a woman need to have certain roles(男女各司其职),这样的话, they can complement each other(两人可以互补),家庭才能稳定。

但是,our society has now evolved(社会在不断进步),it doesn’t need to be the woman that takes care of the children and the house and the man working(女主内男主外的观念也慢慢在变)。甚至在有些家庭,夫妇的分工是反过来的,但这在以前是几乎不可能的。



Please, never complain of being tired in front of others; otherwise, you'll not only be burdened but also disliked.

虽然说,忍住不抱怨挺难做到的,但是there is no need to do so(真没必要这么做)。抱怨起不了什么作用,it will not change the situation you are in。倒不如用这个时间,work hard(把工作做好)。



When parents love their child, they plan for childrens future with far-reaching considerations. How can they only focus on the present moment? At three years old, parents should think about matters at the age of ten, at ten years old, parents should think about matters at sixteen. Without long-term thinking, there will surely be immediate concerns.

这一段话,妥妥地体现了a typical Chinese mindset(典型的中国式思维),但是在西方文化里,it is not so intense(并没有很明显的体现),他们会更多地focused on the present moment(关注当下)。虽然,他们也会为未来做打算,但不会刻意去做什么影响未来,the future comes very naturally

可以用“霍夫斯泰德的文化维度理论”来解释,中国是long-term orientation(长期导向型),打算比较长远,西方是short-term orientation(短期导向型),更加地关注当下,随遇而安。



What's most admirable about Brother He is that he understands the challenges women face. I believe that anyone who can empathize with women worldwide must be a good person.

Men and woman have different challenges. 男人和女人都会面临不同的挑战。We as humans need to empathize with(共情) each other. 共情和理解很重要。



Lands and kingdoms may change, but one's nature is hard to alter. That Mr. Sun, unless he faced a life-threatening crisis, he would never change his temperament. Miss Shulan took a wrong step and found herself in a dead-end alley. Once in a dead-end alley, she should promptly turn back; she shouldn't wait a lifetime to regret it.

One’s nature is hard to alter but not impossible. 本性虽然难改,但并不是不能改变。But the person definitely needs to want to change, this cannot be forced. 人要主动寻求改变,不能被动改变。



In the end, when you spend time with someone, it all comes down to the lowest point of their character. Miss Shulan's husband, Mr. Sun, has the lowest point of being shameless, while Brother Hongwen's lowest point is, at most, his soft-heartedness. After decades of companionship, it ultimately depends on whether you can tolerate that lowest aspect of their character.

We all have highs and lows and the people who stay with you at your lowest point are the real people you want in your life.  在最低处还和你待在一起的人,才是你一生真正需要的人。

维持一段健康的关系有两点特别重要:tolerate the person(能忍耐) but also understand their challenges(同时也能理解对方的难处) and being empathetic(能共情)。但这也意味着,this requires a lot of time and energy(花大量的时间和精力),that’s probably why maintaining a relationship is not always easy



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