《小妇人》第28期_第5章 白丝的惊喜(4)

《小妇人》第28期_第5章 白丝的惊喜(4)


  Jo put an arm around her sister.'Now try it,Beth,'she said.
  Beth sat down and began to play, and everyone thought it was the most perfect piano they had ever heard.
  'You'll have to go and thank him,'said Jo, with a smile,knowing that Beth was much too shy to do anything like that.
  But Beth surprised them all.' I'll do it at once,' she said bravely, and away she walked, through the garden and into the big house next door.She went up to the old gentleman's study and knocked on the door.
  'Come in,'said Mr Laurence.
  Beth went in.'I came to say thank you, sir,'she began,in her quiet little voice. But he looked so friendly that she ran and put both her arms around his neck and kissed him.
  The old gentleman was so surprised that he nearly fell off his chair. But he was very pleased indeed by that shy little kiss,and soon the two of them were talking like old friends. Later,he walked home with Beth.The girls, watching with great interest from the window, could not believe their eyes.'Well,'Meg said,' I do believe the world is coming to an end!'


  • Diana20201117

    Reflections: The girls are all very well behaved. They know gratitude. Beth is especially praiseworthy. To show her gratefulness, the shy girl summons up her courage and immediately goes to Mr Lawrence and says thanks to him, which of course surprises her sisters and me too.

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