《小妇人》第26期_第5章 白丝的惊喜(2)

《小妇人》第26期_第5章 白丝的惊喜(2)


  At this moment, a little hand touched his own. It was Beth's. 'I-I want to come,'she said, her voice shaking.'Very much.'
  'You're the musical girl,'said Mr Laurence, gently.
  'I'm Beth. Yes,I love music, and I shall come.'
  The next day, Beth waited until the old and the young gentlemen both went out, then she ran across to the big house and found her way to the room with the beautiful piano.As soon as she began to play, she forgot her fears immediately in the delight which the music gave her.
  After that, Beth went every day. She never knew that Mr Laurence often opened his study door to hear her playing, or that Laurie stood in the hall to keep the servants away from the shy little girl. But she was so grateful that she asked her mother and sisters to help her make the old gentleman a pair of slippers. After several days careful sewing, the slippers were finished. Then Beth wrote a short letter and, with Laurie's help, left it with the slippers in the old man's study one morning, before he was up


  • Diana20201117

    Thanks to old Mr Laurence’s generosity, Beth has the chance to play the piano, to practice her love as a musical girl. Even more worth mentioning is that Beth grasps the good chance without hesitation, which strengthens my thought that one’s passion for something can overcome one’s fears.

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