英国FCO特使乔安娜·罗珀 | 2022年就英国女王逝世致悼词

英国FCO特使乔安娜·罗珀 | 2022年就英国女王逝世致悼词


We are mourning the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her sense of duty and public service was evident in all that she did, and her charm, dignity, and wisdom touched the hearts of many people in the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and around the world. She was, of course, the cornerstone of the UK-Netherlands relationship.


I’ve been touched by the tributes that have come in, including the message from the Dutch Royal Family, from Prime Minister Rutte, Foreign Minister Hoekstra and others.


My thanks to everyone who has offered condolences on the occasion of her passing, as we remember Her Majesty for her devotion to duty and the joy that she brought to many people around the world.


I know that many in the Netherlands, especially our British community here, will be saddened by her passing, and have already signed the book of condolence at our embassy in The Hague. This will be open to the public until the day of the funeral.


Today, we witnessed His Majesty King Charles III taking the oath in front of the Privy Council. We are in a new era. We stand to serve His Majesty. God save the King.


