第1932期:India Successfully Lands Spacecraft on Moon

第1932期:India Successfully Lands Spacecraft on Moon


India became the fourth country to successfully land a spacecraft on the moon on Wednesday. It also became the first country to land a spacecraft near the moon’s south pole.

周三,印度成为第四个成功将航天器登陆月球的国家。 它还成为第一个在月球南极附近着陆航天器的国家。

Its moon lander, called Chandrayaan-3, touched down near the moon’s south pole just after 6 p.m. in India.

它的月球着陆器名为月船三号 (Chandrayaan-3),于下午 6 点刚过在月球南极附近着陆。 在印度。

The landing brought cheers and applause from space scientists who were watching in the control center in city of Bengaluru. After a failed landing almost four years ago, India joined the United States, the Soviet Union and China as the only countries to send a spacecraft to the moon.

这次着陆引起了在班加罗尔市控制中心观看的太空科学家的欢呼和掌声。 大约四年前登陆失败后,印度加入美国、苏联和中国的行列,成为唯一向月球发射航天器的国家。

"This moment is unforgettable. It is phenomenal. This is a victory cry of a new India," said Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


“India is on the moon,” said S. Somanath, the head of the Indian Space Research Organization.

“印度登上了月球,”印度空间研究组织负责人 S. Somanath 说。

The moon’s south pole is thought to be an important area for exploration. Scientists believe it has important resources, including frozen water and minerals.

月球南极被认为是探索的重要区域。 科学家认为它拥有重要的资源,包括冷冻水和矿物质。

Just days earlier, Russia’s Luna-25 spacecraft tried to land in the same area but spun out of control and crashed. It would have been Russia’s first moon landing in 47 years.

就在几天前,俄罗斯的 Luna-25 航天器试图在同一地区着陆,但失控旋转并坠毁。 这将是俄罗斯 47 年来首次登月。

People across India gathered in shops, offices, restaurants and their homes to watch the landing on television.


The name Chandrayaan means “moon craft” in the Sanskrit language.

Chandrayaan 这个名字在梵语中的意思是“月球工艺”。

The Indian Space Research Organization discussed the mission ahead of the landing. The organization called the possible landing “a remarkable milestone … a significant step forward for Indian science, engineering, technology and industry.”

印度空间研究组织在着陆前讨论了这次任务。 该组织称这次可能的着陆是“一个非凡的里程碑……印度科学、工程、技术和工业向前迈出的重要一步。”

The group discussed the “sense of pride” that comes from the success and suggested it will lead to more innovation from India.


The previous landing attempt broke down because of a software problem, according to India’s space organization.


The moon vehicle will take up to one day to come out of the spacecraft and will operate for two weeks. It will run experiments on the minerals on the moon’s surface, Somanath said.

月球车最多需要一天的时间才能从航天器中出来,并将运行两周。 索马纳特说,它将对月球表面的矿物进行实验。

Observers say the successful landing shows India’s interest in demonstrating its strength in technology and space exploration. The landing should be an important part of Modi’s campaign to keep his government in power leading up to the country’s general election in 2024.

观察人士表示,这次成功着陆表明印度有兴趣展示其在技术和太空探索方面的实力。 这次登陆应该是莫迪在 2024 年大选之前保住政府权力的竞选活动的重要组成部分。

Many countries want to know about the moon’s south pole because it could hold resources that may help future space missions. Other countries and private companies are trying to land there.

许多国家想了解月球的南极,因为它可能蕴藏着有助于未来太空任务的资源。 其他国家和私营公司正试图登陆那里。

The Indian landing comes after the failed Russian mission, plus recent crashes by spacecraft from both Japan and Israel. Japan will launch another mission this weekend. Two private U.S. companies have attempts planned by the end of 2023. And the American space agency NASA hopes to send astronauts to the moon’s south pole in coming years.

印度着陆是在俄罗斯任务失败以及日本和以色列最近发生的航天器坠毁事件之后进行的。 日本将于本周末发射另一次任务。 两家美国私营公司计划在 2023 年底前进行尝试。美国宇航局 NASA 希望在未来几年内将宇航员送往月球南极。

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  • 丢了100的孩子

    It would have been Russia’s first moon landing in 47 years.