脸叔科林·费尔斯 | 内心独白

脸叔科林·费尔斯 | 内心独白


There's a certain degree of embarrassment about success in England. Both by those who experience it and by those who look upon it. And I think, you know, we are historically a nation of apologisers. Whether we feel particularly apologetic or not, I don't know. And that's offset by another side to our country which is capable of dominating hugh parts of the world with violence. You don't have an empire by apologising. It's something that's a bit hard to fathom when you study the English really, to reconcile the apologetic country vicar was the soccer hooligan. They both are absolutely English.



I'm very romantic about the idea of quiet heroism,I don't particularly get inspired by someone, you know, film about someone who can lift a skyscraper or crush a planet with his fists. I don't find that heroic. This is partly why George VI appeals to me. He's considered a bit of a footnote in history, and his heroism is to do with his battle with his own demons.



Because I have to cry every so often for a living. I find it motifying if it spills over into my daily life, and I haven't really managed to do it for years. I'd probably cry if I got a splinter or something. I fell off my bicycle a couple of years ago and I almost burst into tears. Emm...And I almost cried recently in New York because it was so cold. So physical things bring tears to my eyes more readily than emotional pain...


  • Billie_pa


  • litixia


  • bluebluetaipa


  • NNKiku

    Absolutely spot on 😂😂

  • tiamo诺诺
