第1919期:Most famous train' returns to tracks

第1919期:Most famous train' returns to tracks


This is the moment steam enthusiasts have been waiting for: the moment Flying Scotsman, in its classic green livery, and with steam pouring from its chimney, thunders back onto the East Coast Main Line, where it made its name.


Passengers, who've paid up to £450 a ticket, are enjoying a champagne breakfast in vintage carriages.

票价高达 450 英镑的乘客可以在老式车厢内享用香槟早餐。

The historic engine won't be setting any speed records today: safety rules mean it's restricted to 45 miles an hour.It's due into York around midday, where it will be kept at the National Railway Museum.

今天,这款具有历史意义的发动机不会再创造任何速度记录:安全规则意味着它的时速限制为 45 英里。它将于中午左右抵达约克,并被保存在国家铁路博物馆。


livery 原意:(官员的)制服,公司标志;此处指火车皮颜色
chimney 烟囱 
thunders 隆隆的响声
made its name 成名,为世人所知
vintage 古香古色的,老式的
historic 具有历史意义的

  • 丢了100的孩子

    vintage carriages老式车厢

  • 丢了100的孩子

    It's due into York around midday, where it will be kept at the National Railway Museum.它将于中午左右抵达约克,并被保存在国家铁路博物馆。