里希·苏纳克 | NHS成立75周年致辞

里希·苏纳克 | NHS成立75周年致辞


What you're about to hear is the most significant thing to ever happen in the history of the NHS. And it's a moment of personal pride for me too, having grown up in an NHS family,with my dad working as an NHS GP and my mum working in our local pharmacy.


I saw first hand how important NHS staff are to what makes our health service work. There's no debate about it there wouldn't be an NHS without the staff who run it, their skills, expertise and dedication.


So today in the NHS is 75th anniversary year,I'm setting out a long term plan to staff it. This is the first of its kind in the history of the NHS, and I'm proud to be the first Prime Minister to address this head on in a way that no other government has done before.


This isn't a plan hatched by politicians in Westminster. This is a 15 year plan developed by the NHS and backed by government. Because it's the NHS plan,I know it's the right plan to give the NHS what it needs,to get you the care you need more quickly, not just today, but for another 75 years into the future too.


Here's what the plan looks like. First will train lots more staff. This will reduce our reliance on overseas workers. This is what the NHS has told us it needs to care for us in the future. So that's what we're delivering.


Second, we'll keep hold of the amazing staff already working in the NHS,by making sure it remains a fulfilling and rewarding place to work.


Finally, we'll make sure NHS staff can spend more time with patients,by modernizing the way they train and work, That's the plan in a nutshell.


Made by the NHS, backed by government. They've told us what they need and we're making sure they get it.


  • 阿华_0e
