第7章02. Thornfield a

第7章02. Thornfield a


 One day I took the opportunity of asking Mrs Fairfax a few questions about Mr Rochester,as I was curious about him,and the little housekeeper seemed happy to talk.
  'Is he liked by most people?'was my first question.
  'Oh yes,his family have always been respected here.They've owned the land round here for years,'she replied.
  'But do you like him?What is his character like?'
  'I have always liked him, and I think he's a fair master to his servants.He's a little peculiar,perhaps.He's travelled a lot,you know.I expect he's clever,but I can't tell,really.'
  'What do you mean,peculiar?'I asked,interested.
  'It's not easy to describe. You're never sure whether he's serious or joking.You don't really understand him,at least I don't.But that doesn't matter,he's a very good master.'
I could get no further information from Mrs Fairfax about Mr Rochester,but instead she offered to show me round the whole house.We went through many large,impressive rooms,finally reaching the top floor,where there was a narrow corridor with several small black doors,all shut.I stopped to look at them, and thought for a moment they looked like prison doors,hiding evil secrets.No sooner had I turned away to go downstairs than I heard a strange,ghostly laugh.

  • Autumn63


    道法自然_i2 回复 @Autumn63: 牛津,书虫,书有卖

  • Jiang_Daniel


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