Draw me a star 给我画个星星 (外教全英)

Draw me a star 给我画个星星 (外教全英)






今天的故事叫做Draw me a star. 《给我画颗星星》小朋友们如果你有支画笔你最想画些什么呢?今天我们就跟着故事的主人公一起画画吧。


Draw me a star.

And the artist drew a star.

It was a good star.

Draw me the sun, said the star.

And the artist drew the sun.

It was a warm sun.

Draw me a tree, said the sun.

And the artist drew a tree.

It was a lovely tree.

Draw me a woman and man. And the artistdrew a handsome couple.

Draw us a house, said the couple.

And the artist drew a house.

It was a strong house.

Draw me a dog, said the house.

And the artist drew a dog.

It was a big dog.

Draw me a cat, said the dog.

Draw me a bird, said the cat.

Draw me a butterfly, said the bird.

Draw me a flower, said the butterfly.

And the artist drew red and yellow. Andblue and purple flowers.

Draw us a cloud, said the flowers.

And the artist drew clouds heavy withrain.

Draw me the night, said the rainbow.

And the artist drew a dark night.

Draw me the moon, said the night. Andthe artist drew a full moon.

Draw me a star, said the moon.

Down, over, left, right. Draw a star.Oh! So bright.

It was a good star.

Hold on to me, said the star to theartist.

Then, together they traveled across thenight sky.








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