


51 beached whales die in Australia; authorities trying to save 46 others 
51头搁浅鲸鱼在澳大利亚死亡 当局正努力拯救另46头

Nearly 100 pilot whales were stranded on a beach in western Australia on Tuesday, and about half had died by Wednesday morning, despite the efforts of wildlife experts and volunteers to save them. The pod of long-finned pilot whales was first spotted swimming near Cheynes Beach east of Albany on Tuesday morning. As the day progressed, the pod began moving closer to the beach, sparking the concern of conservation officers. By 4 p.m., a large stretch of the shoreline was covered in beached whales.

Western Australia state’s Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions set up an overnight camp to monitor the whales. Peter Hartley, a manager from the department, said they had counted 51 whales that had died overnight. “We still have 46 whales still alive, and that will be our focus today — to get them back into the water and encourage them to head off into deeper water,” he told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. “We are optimistic that we will save as many as we can.”
西澳大利亚州的生物多样性、保护和景点部门设立了一个夜间营地来监测鲸鱼。该部门的经理彼得•哈特利(Peter Hartley)说,他们已经统计到有51头鲸鱼在一夜之间死亡。“我们还有46头鲸鱼还活着,这将是我们今天的重点——让它们回到水里,并鼓励它们前往更深的水域,”他告诉澳大利亚广播公司,“我们对尽可能多地拯救鲸鱼持乐观态度。”

The team tasked with helping the whales includes Perth Zoo veterinarians and marine fauna experts.  They have been using specialized equipment, including vessels and slings. Hundreds of volunteers also offered to help out.  So many, in fact, that officials said they had enough registered volunteers and urged other members of the public to stay away from the beach.

Wildlife experts said the unusual behavior of the whales could be an indicator of stress or illness within the pod.  Pilot whales are highly social animals and often maintain close relationships with their pods throughout their lives.

n. 兽医;
n. (某地区或某时期的)动物群;

Soap science beats away bug bites

People hate mosquitoes due to their blood-sucking tendencies. Scientists, too, are troubled by mosquitoes and have been researching ways to keep them away.

A team of researchers from Virginia Tech in the US looked into different kinds of soap. They invited volunteers to test how four different soap flavors attract mosquitoes.

After analyzing the mosquitoes’ behavior, the researchers discovered several chemicals in the soap that can influence the mosquitoes’ “choice of food”. Two chemicals, one with the smell of coconut (椰子) and another with the scent (香味) of flowers, can keep the insects away. 

How these insects manage to find humans has also made scientists curious. According to a new study published in Current Biology, researchers built a “canteen” for hundreds of mosquitoes. In the 20-by-20-meter facility, there were six pads that had the smell of different humans. The pads were heated to mimic sleeping humans.

They found that the insects can track scents up to 60 meters. Mosquitoes are also most attracted to a kind of chemical called carboxylic acid, which is usually produced by bacteria on human skin. The smell of one participant wasn’t attractive to the insects, and researchers believed it was due to the person’s diet, which was is mainly plant-based foods.

By analyzing the chemicals that either attract or repel mosquitoes, scientists are able to improve mosquito repellent. With more studies, scientists believe changing a person’s diet could one day make them “mosquito-proof”. 

adj. 防…的; 令人厌恶; 隔绝…的; 让人很不愉快;
n.驱虫剂; 防水剂;

Foreign firms confident in China's industrial chains

China's supply chains featuring resilience and integrity have attracted more foreign-invested companies to up their investment in the Chinese market amid an improved business environment.

Official data showed that 24,000 new foreign firms established themselves in China in the first half of the year, marking a 35.7 percent rise year-on-year. During the period, foreign direct investment from developed countries, including Britain and Germany, saw rapid expansion, according to the Ministry of Commerce.

As a manufacturing powerhouse, China boasts all the industrial categories listed in the United Nations industrial classification. With a vast market of 1.4 billion population, the motivation for foreign firms to invest in the country becomes even stronger.

German sheet metal parts producer HA-BE Mechanical Components (Taicang) Co sustained double-digit growth in the Chinese market for the past five or six years. Karl Froehlich, who is on the board of directors of the company, attributed the fast expansion pace to the "highly competitive" industrial chain pertaining to the industry sector in China.

"The company wouldn't have grown so much without suppliers who can deliver with a faster speed and better quality, or customers who want to buy the products," Froehlich said.

Amid the country's improved business environment and shortened negative list for foreign investment access, foreign firms have been upping their investment ante in the Chinese market.

Foreign investments from France, Britain, Japan, and Germany into the Chinese mainland surged 173.3 percent, 135.3 percent, 53 percent, and 14.2 percent, respectively, in the first six months of this year, according to MOC data.

  • lqdsfgmfc267rn73bckk

  • 丢了100的孩子

    whales were stranded on a beach 在海滩上搁浅 mosquito repellent驱蚊剂 Amid the country's improved business environment and shortened negative list for foreign investment access随着中国营商环境的改善和外商投资准入负面清单的缩减

  • 4869_Sherry


  • Kane_7f


  • 1399566hehl
