第3章04. My first imp

第3章04. My first imp


 'Girls,this morning you had a breakfast which you couldn't eat.You must be hungry,so I have ordered a lunch of bread and cheese for you all.'The teachers looked at her in surprise.
  'Don't worry,I take responsibility for it,'she told them.
  We were delighted,and all rushed out into the garden to eat our lunch.Nobody had taken any notice of me so far,but I did not mind that.I stood alone outside,watching some of the stronger girls playing,trying to forget the bitter cold,and thinking about my life.Gateshead and the Reed family seemed a long way away.I was not yet used to school life.And what sort of future could I look forward to?
  As I wondered,I saw a girl near me reading a book.I felt brave enough to speak to her,since I too liked reading.
  'Is your book interesting?What is it about?'I asked.
  'Well,I like it,'she said after a pause,looking at me.'Here,have a look at it.'I glanced quickly at it but found it too difficult to understand,so I gave it back.
  'What sort of school is this?'I asked.
'It's called Lowood school.It's a charity school.We're all charity children,you see.I expect your parents are dead,aren't they?All the girls here have lost either one or both parents.'

  • 听友221014591


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