



“Barbenheimer” didn’t just work – it spun box office gold. The social media-fueled fusion of Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” and Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer” brought moviegoers back to the theaters in record numbers this weekend, giving a glimmer of hope to the lagging exhibition business.

“Barbie” claimed the top spot with a massive $155 million in ticket sales from North American theaters, and “Oppenheimer” also soared past expectations, taking in $80.5 million in the U.S. and Canada.


1. spin box office gold 用来描述“电影票房成绩傲人”

· spin /spɪn/ v. 快速旋转

2. the social media-fueled fusion 社交媒体上掀起的组合梗

· sth.-fueled adj. 由……激发的,引起的

· social media-fueled 由社交媒体激发的

· fusion /ˈfjuːʒ(ə)n/ n. 融合,结合

3. moviegoer /ˈmuːviˌɡoʊər/ n. 经常去电影院的人,电影爱好者

· 近义表达:film-goer, cinema-goer

4. give a glimmer of hope to sth. 给……带去一线希望

5. lagging /ˈlæɡɪŋ/ adj. 发展缓慢的,滞后的

· lag /læɡ/ v. 掉队,滞后

6. claim the top spot 拔得头筹

7. ticket sales 票房收入

8. soar past expectations 超出预期,一鸣惊人

9. take sth. in 赚得多少钱,获得多少收入

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