构词:super(= over 笼罩)+fic(= face 脸面)+ial(adj.)
笼罩表面 adj. 表面的, 肤浅的
相关:surface, deface, interface, preface
搭配:superficial wound / burn / deposit / geology / veins / friendship / chatter / impression / trait / differences / similarities / analysis / understanding / criticism; someone is superficial
近义:external, apparent, shallow, slight, silly, casual
构词:super(超)+flu(= flow流 )+-ous(多的 adj.)
超多流出 adj. 多余的
相关:fluent, effluent, affluent, influence, confluence
搭配:be superfluous, superfluous words / wealth / movement
近义:extra, spare, redundant, surplus, excessive, needless
构词:super(= S+ over 超过, 上面)+stit(立)+-ion(n.)
立于超现实 n. 迷信
相关:constitute, destitute, institute, prostitute, substitute
搭配:according to / against superstition, it is a kind of superstition