6.5 英音朗读版

6.5 英音朗读版

  • 13789016eir

    When falling, the tendency is to tighten up, to brace for impact. But in truth, the safest thing one can do is remain calm, even curious about the shifting world around you.

  • flying_jl

    When falling the tendency is to tighten up to brace for impact. But in truth, the safest thing one can do is remain calm — even curious — about the shifting world around you. 在跌倒时,人们倾向于收紧身体以应对冲击。但实际上,一个人能做的最安全的事情就是对你周围不断变化的世界保持冷静——甚至是好奇.

  • 悦言乐

    When falling, the tendency is to tighten up, to brace for impact. But in truth, the safest thing one can do is remain calm, even curious, about the shifting world around you. (杨紫琼哈佛毕业演讲)遇到挫折时,最安全的做法是保持冷静,做好最坏的准备,但事实上,对你周围不断变化的世界最安全的做法是保持冷静,甚至幽默一些。

  • 威少tennis

    When falling, the tendency is to tighten up, to brace for impact. But in truth, the safest thing one can do is remain calm, even curious about the shifting world around you.

  • 听友222887764

    When falling, the tendency is to tighten up, to brace for impact. But in truth, the safest thing one can do is remain calm, even curious about the shifting world around you.