Little Quark Explains the Value Formula of Commodities

Little Quark Explains the Value Formula of Commodities



gather - 聚集
wisdom - 智慧
grasp - 理解
commodities - 商品
fundamental - 基本的
economic - 经济的
phase - 阶段
upheavals - 剧变
misunderstandings - 误解
formula - 公式
means of production - 生产资料
physical labor - 体力劳动
intellectual labor - 脑力劳动
capitalist labor - 资本家劳动
acquire - 获取
organize - 组织
marketing - 市场营销
assume - 承担
exploitation - 剥削
fair distribution - 公平分配

Episode 49: Little Quark Explains the Value Formula of Commodities

One day, Little Agi, Little Bater, and Little Quark gathered together to discuss important issues about human society. Little Bater said to Little Quark, "The wisdom of your quark world far surpasses that of humans. In your view, what are some important things that humans still don't understand? Can you enlighten us and help humanity progress?"

"Of course," replied Little Quark. "From my perspective, there are many fundamental things that humans have yet to grasp. One of them is understanding how the value of commodities is created and who creates the value of commodities. This is the most important and fundamental question in the economic activities of human society. It was only during the post-information society phase in our quark world that we began to understand this question."

Little Agi and Little Bater were intrigued and said, "Please tell us more!"

Little Quark continued, "In the 20th century, human society experienced tremendous upheavals, and many wars occurred due to misunderstandings about the source of commodity value. Let me give you the answer first, and then explain why. The value of a commodity consists of the following four components:

Value of means of production + Value of physical labor + Value of intellectual labor + Value of capitalist labor

This is the correct formula for commodity value, and it does not include the term 'surplus value.' In the process of commodity production, means of production are essential, and physical and intellectual labor can be performed by robots and AI intelligent systems. As for the labor of capitalists, humans do not have a specific term to refer to it. For now, let's call it 'intellectual labor.' It is a special kind of labor that includes acquiring capital, organizing production and marketing, and assuming risks. It is crucial and indispensable in the process of production and realization of commodity value. However, humans mistakenly consider the value of capitalist intellectual labor as surplus value. Physical laborers and intellectual laborers are wage laborers who work according to the production tasks and processes designed by capitalists. They follow instructions and only need to ensure the quality and quantity of their work. They receive wages, bonuses, and other rewards but are not responsible for the profit or loss of production and operation. Of course, capitalists also employ intellectual laborers to design products and production processes and hire professional managers for management and operation. They pay them basic salaries and performance-based rewards, which are included in the value of intellectual labor. This commodity value formula does not reveal any inherent mechanisms of exploitation but rather addresses the issues of fair distribution of rewards, profits, and losses. It is influenced by economic structures, social structures, cultural backgrounds, labor and resource surplus or scarcity, the presence of monopolies, and various other factors."

Little Agi and Little Bater were enlightened and exclaimed, "You explained it wonderfully! We should make all humans understand this truth. Furthermore, in the near future, intelligent robots should be able to engage in intellectual labor like human capitalists, organizing production. Then humans will no longer need to participate in production!"

Little Quark smiled and said, "Yes, that's why I mentioned that humans will inevitably implement the 'Universal Basic Income' (UBI) system, completely supported by robots!"

Note: Please keep in mind that this story is fictional, and the concept presented may not reflect real-world economic theories or practices.

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