The Moon And Sixpence 1.10

The Moon And Sixpence 1.10


Dr. Weitbrecht-Rotholzwas an enthusiastic admirer of Charles Strickland, and there was no danger thathe would whitewash him. He had an unerring eye for the despicable motive inactions that had all the appearance of innocence. He was a psycho-pathologist,as well as a student of art, and the subconscious had few secrets from him. Nomystic ever saw deeper meaning in common things. The mystic sees the ineffable,and the psycho-pathologist the unspeakable. There is a singular fascination inwatching the eagerness with which the learned author ferrets out everycircumstance which may throw discredit on his hero. His heart warms to him whenhe can bring forward some example of cruelty or meanness, and he exults like aninquisitor at the auto da fe of an heretic when with some forgotten story hecan confound the filial piety of the Rev. Robert Strickland. His industry hasbeen amazing. Nothing has been too small to escape him, and you may be surethat if Charles Strickland left a laundry bill unpaid it will be given you in extenso,and if he forebore to return a borrowed half-crown no detail of the transactionwill be omitted.


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  • Bcz22


    Bolazynes 回复 @Bcz22: 只是工作出过差哈,学口语算是有一些自己的小经验