Ribbon-tail Ray

Ribbon-tail Ray


Hello welcome to wild Suzhou, today I’ll be talking about theblue-spotted ribbon-tail ray

Blue spotted ribbon-tail rays live near the seafloor in coral reefs and inhabit temperate waters. It is able to dig in sand to conceal itself, andit uses this skill to catch prey. Another way it finds food is scooping up thesand into its mouth and filtering out the food. Its diet consists of small seaanimals like sand worms, shrimp, hermit crabs, small fish, and mussels.

 The population of the rays issuffering though due to fishing and habitat loss, like coral reefsdeteriorating. They are also traded as pets or to go to aquariums. Some of theblue spotted ribbon-tail rays predators include hammerhead sharks, orcas, andhuman activity. This ray is quite venomous, and capable of killing a human.Most of the time, these rays live on their own, except when migrating orraising offspring. It is gray, with bright blue spots covering its body, and atthe end of its tails are its stingers.

    For wild Suzhou I’mPalm-tree and thanks for listening.

