




这是一直藏在火星冰盖下的东西,一个巨大的天使,看起来像英国的陆地雕塑,叫做北方女神。不同的是,火星的版本要大几十倍。它的光环可以容纳纽约市的每个人,它巨大的翅膀可以延伸数百公里。然而,科学家们声称,火星天使只是由陨石坑和湖泊随机组合而成的二氧化碳。但我们真的可以说,这个看起来像雕刻在火星悬崖上的门道只是一个不寻常的巧合吗?那神秘的森林或这张令人敬畏的脸呢?这一切只是冰山一角?今天我们终于要弄清楚火星上到底发生了什么。一些明明不属于这颗红色星球的奇怪东西怎么会跑到那里去?1976年,美国宇航局公布了一张火星北半球西多尼亚地区的照片,公众立即从照片中看到了一张巨大的脸。这张脸有嘴巴、眼睛甚至鼻孔。反过来,科幻小说迷将其贴上了火星文明创造的埃及狮身人面像的类比。这个传说持续了20多年,直到1998年出现了从另一个角度拍摄的照片。很明显,这张脸只不过是不平坦地形上的光影游戏。虽然晚了一点,火星探测器拍下了新的莫名其妙发现的照片。在Curiosity Tabloids拍摄的这张照片中,您看到什么奇怪的地方了吗?匆匆忙忙地在火星上闪现了一个漂浮的勺子,仅仅一年后,好奇号又发现了另一个勺子。难道是巨型火星人在那里野餐。地质学家很快就反驳了它。他们说两把勺子都是被风磨尖的简单石头。然而,好奇号一直在寻找,在2022年,它给了我们另一个理由去迷惑悬崖上雕刻完美的门道。也许那是那些把银器留在沙漠周围的野餐者藏身的地方,但即使如此,它们也应该非常小,因为所谓的门口只有30厘米高,而且根据地质学家的说法,它甚至不会通向任何地方,因为那是其中之一悬崖上覆盖的许多天然裂缝。但如果火星上没有面孔、勺子、门道和其他奇怪的东西,那我们为什么一直看到它呢?答案在于人的头脑。在我向您展示在火星上发现的其他一些令人毛骨悚然的东西之前,让我们接受事实吧。我们到处都能看到这样的惊喜。环顾四周,这个世界上到处都是面孔。它们在建筑物、水槽甚至插座上。有时,这个游戏采取荒谬的比例。2004年,一个烤三明治只卖了28000美元,据说上面刻着圣母玛利亚的形象。我相信你也能看到,不是吗?这是否意味着我们都有点生气?不完全的。我们只是容易患上妄想症。这是一种快速识别我们周围随机物体中熟悉形状的能力。很久以前,它帮助我们的祖先立即注意到树林中危险食肉动物的头部。现在,当我们远离野生动物时,妄想症 保证火星悬崖的每一张照片都会激发互联网的热烈讨论,数百页专门讨论一个新的阴谋论。但是,如果那些寻求真理的人并没有完全错的话呢,毕竟我们可以将火星上所有疯狂的事情归因于妄想症,这些发现催生了最疯狂的理论。2001年,科幻作家亚瑟·C·克拉克(Arthur C. Clarke)以他的小说《太空漫游》而闻名,他说他在火星的新照片中看到了真实的树木。整片陌生的森林,不像悬崖上的勺子或脸,这些树年复一年地在不断地运动。树林越密越稀疏,难道火星上有不知名的野兽以这些植物为食?Clark显然是这个意思。多年后,博主大卫·马里内兹(David Marinez)在红色星球或更确切地说是生物站阿尔法上发现了一个完整的定居点。马里内兹得出结论,这是一个地下掩体的上部,火星人可能藏在那里,就像地球上的秘密设施一样。那么,为什么我们会一次又一次地在火星上发现这样的怪事呢?科学家认为,所有这一切只是一系列巧合。根据他们的说法,火星森林根本不是森林,只是一簇由二氧化碳产生的复杂图案,它们的运动可以用干冰每次解冻然后再次结冰的事实来解释。发生这种情况,它以一种新的方式填充表面的裂缝。但是为什么我们从来没有在地球上见过这样的冰川呢?至于生物站阿尔法,学者们几乎可以肯定它只是宇宙射线造成的图像伪影。这些巧合的数量和频率至少可以说是令人发指的。但当火星观测者的疯狂理论突然得到证实时,整个情况似乎混乱了10倍。在19世纪,天文学家已经开始观察这颗红色星球,看到了河流甚至人工渠道,简而言之,就是明确无误的地外生命迹象。但后来证明,火星水库是强烈地震留下的痕迹。山脉或质量不是很好扭曲的望远镜镜头的微不足道的后果,。火星渠道或运河后来被称为天文学的耻辱。但在2017年,火星侦察轨道器拍到了这只小蝌蚪的照片。实际上,它的头部是一个普通的撞击坑,但尾巴却更有趣。科学家们发现这是一个河床,撞击后河流从陨石坑中流过。由于地球表面存在的所有这些不寻常的形状,我们确信19世纪的研究人员毕竟是正确的。火星过去确实有水。现在也可以很容易地在其他图片中看到河流,并在以前未注意到的地方发现它们。2004年,机遇号火星探测器发现了类似撞球的东西。美国国家航空航天局的专家鲁莽地称它们为蓝莓,以此来煽风点火。一个有勇气的爱好者以更加热情的方式捍卫火星上的生命理念。他们中的一些人认为这张照片和其他照片展示的是当地的蘑菇品种。这个理论再次被炒作,但一段时间后,科学家们注意到这些碗类似于赤铁矿晶体,只有流动的水才能使它们呈现这样的形状。这意味着确实有一条河流,考虑到火星的时代,它在不久前流经该地区。随后,火星细菌孢子可能就藏在那些蓝莓附近的某个地方。这还不是全部。2012年,好奇号漫游者用相机捕捉到了一个几乎看不见的金属物体。它看起来像是某种由精炼金属制成的古代火星工具的残余物。怀疑论者一秒钟都没有买账,过了一会儿才真正证明图片中的物体只是坠落的火星车本身。最近,另一辆名为Perseverance的NASA漫游者拍摄了一件闪亮的新事物。这次不是机器碎片,而是一大块稀土金属。那么这是否意味着我们很快就会在附近找到铁矿石开采设备以及火星人用来加工矿物的其他一些机器?


Strange things on Mars

You won’t believe your eyes what NASA found on Mars

Here’s what’s been hiding under the ice caps of Mars, a giant angel looking like a British land sculpture called Lady of the North. The difference is that the Martian copy is dozens of times bigger. Its halo could fit New York city with everyone in it and its huge wings stretch across hundreds of kilometers. However, scientists claim that the Martian angel is just random combination of craters and lakes composed of carbon dioxide. But can we really say that this doorway looking like it’s been carved on a Martian cliff is only an unusual coincidence and what about the mysterious forest or this awe-inspiring face? All of that is just the tip of the iceberg? Today we’re gonna finally figure out what the hell is going on on Mars. How could some weird things that clearly don’t belong on the red planet end up there? In 1976, NASA published a photo of Sidonia, a region in the northern  hemisphere of Mars, the general public immediately saw a giant face in that photo. The face had a mouth, eyes and even nostrils. In turn, science fiction fans labeled it an analog of the Egyptian sphinx created by a Martian civilization. This legend lived on for more than 20 years until in 1998 there appeared photos taken from another angle. It became evident that the face was nothing more than a play of light and shadows on the uneven terrain. Although a bit later, Mars rovers captured photos of new inexplicable discoveries. Do you see anything strange in this picture taken by Curiosity Tabloids? Hurries to flash the news sensation a floating spoon on Mars and only one year later Curiosity spotted another spoon. Can it be the jumbo sized Martians were having a picnic there. Geologists were quick to disprove it. They say that both of the spoon are simple rocks sharpened by the wind. However, Curiosity keeps searching and in 2022, it gave us another reason to be puzzled a perfectly carved doorway on a cliff . Maybe that’s where those picnickers who left their silverware all around the desert are hiding but even so they should be really tiny as the so-called doorway is only 30 centimeters tall plus according to geologists, it doesn’t even lead anywhere because that’s one of the many natural cracks that the cliffs covered with. But if there are no faces, spoons, doorways and other strange stuff on Mars then why do we keep seeing it? The answer lies in the human mind. Before I show you some other eerie things found on Mars, let’s accept the truth. We see surprises like that everywhere. Look around, this world is chock full of faces. They’re on buildings, on sinks and even sockets. Sometimes, this game takes absurd proportions. In 2004, a grilled sandwich was sold for 28000 dollars only because it was said to bear the image of the virgin Mary. I’m sure you can see it too, can’t you? Does it mean we’re all a bit mad? Not quite. We’re just prone to paradolia. This is an ability to quickly recognize familiar shapes in random objects around us. Ages ago, it helped our ancestors instantly notice heads of dangerous predators in the woods. Now when we’re safe from wild animals paradolia guarantees that every second picture of Martian cliffs will inspire heated internet discussions with hundreds of pages dedicated to a new conspiracy theory. But what if those truth seekers aren’t completely wrong after all we can attribute all the crazy things on Mars to paradolia these discoveries spawn the most insane  theories. In 2001 Arthur C. Clarke, a science fiction write, most famous for his novel, A Space Odyssey, stated that he saw real trees in the new photos of Mars. An entire alien forest and unlike spoons or faces on the cliffs, those trees are in constant motion from year to year. The woods become denser but then thin back, Can there be unknown Martian beasts that feed on these plants? Clark clearly meant something like that.  Ten years later, David Marinez, a blogger, discovered an entire settlement on the red planet or rather bio-station, Alpha. Marinez concluded that this is an upper part of one of the underground bunkers where Martians might be hiding just like secret facilities here on earth. So why do we keep finding oddities like that again and again on Mars? Scientists suggest that all of that is just a series of coincidences. According to them the Martian forest isn’t a forest at all, just a cluster of intricate patterns produced by carbon dioxide and their movement can be explained by the fact that the dry ice thaws and then freezes again every time. This happens, it fills the cracks on the surface in a new way. But why have we never seen glaciers like that on earth then? As for bio-station Alpha, scholars are almost sure that it’s just an image artifact caused by a cosmic ray. The amount and frequency of these coincidences is thought provoking to say the least. But the whole situation seems 10 times as chaotic when the crazy theories of Mars observers suddenly get confirmations. In the 19th century astronomers were already peering into the red planet and saw rivers and even artificial channels, in short, unmistakable signs of extraterrestrial life. But later it was proved that the Martian reservoirs were traces of strong earthquakes. Mountain ranges or trivial consequences of  distorted telescope lenses that were not very good quality. The Martian channels or canals were later called a disgrace to astronomy. But in 2017, Mars reconnaissance Orbiter took a  picture of this little tadpole. In reality, its head is an ordinary impact crater but the tail in turn is much more interesting. Scientists found out that this is a riverbed and the river coursed through the crater after the impact. Thanks to all these unusual shapes present on the planet’s surface we know for sure that the researchers of the 19th century were right after all. Mars did have water in the past. Now it’s easy to see rivers in other pictures as well and spot them where they previously went unnoticed. In 2004, Mars rover, Opportunity,  found something similar to pool balls. NASA experts fanned the lames by recklessly calling them blueberries. An encouraged enthusiast to defend the idea of life on Mars with even more fervor. Some of them assume that this and other photos show local species of mushrooms. This theory was once again roasted but some time later scientists noticed that the bowls resemble hematite crystals and only flowing water can give them such a shape. This means that there was indeed a river and taking into account the age of Mars it ran in that area not so long ago. Subsequently Martian bacteria spores  might be hiding somewhere near those blueberries. And that’s not all. In 2012, the Curiosity rover caught one barely visible metallic object on camera. It looked like remnants of some ancient Martian tool made of refined metal. Skeptics didn’t buy it for a second and a bit later it really turned out that the object in the picture was just a fallen piece of rover itself. And then most recently, another NASA rover named Perseverance photographed a shiny new thing. This time it’s not machine debris, but a chunk of rare earth metal. So does that mean we’ll soon find iron ore mining equipment nearby and some other machines that Martians use to process the minerals?

What do you think?!

