The Moon And Sixpence 1.8

The Moon And Sixpence 1.8


It is due tono accident that when one of his most important works, The Woman of Samaria,(4) was sold at Christie's shortly after the discussion which followed thepublication of Mr. Strickland's biography, it fetched POUNDS 235 less than ithad done nine months before when it was bought by the distinguished collectorwhose sudden death had brought it once more under the hammer. Perhaps CharlesStrickland's power and originality would scarcely have sufficed to turn thescale if the remarkable mythopoeic faculty of mankind had not brushed asidewith impatience a story which disappointed all its craving for theextraordinary. And presently Dr. Weitbrecht-Rotholz produced the work whichfinally set at rest the misgivings of all lovers of art.

Dr.Weitbrecht-Rotholz belongs to that school of historians which believes thathuman nature is not only about as bad as it can be, but a great deal worse; andcertainly the reader is safer of entertainment in their hands than in those ofthe writers who take a malicious pleasure in representing the great figures ofromance as patterns of the domestic virtues. For my part, I should be sorry tothink that there was nothing between Anthony and Cleopatra but an economicsituation; and it will require a great deal more evidence than is ever likelyto be available, thank God, to persuade me that Tiberius was as blameless amonarch as King George V. Dr. Weitbrecht-Rotholz has dealt in such terms withthe Rev.





  • ArgentinaQ


    Bolazynes 回复 @ArgentinaQ: 嗯,我自己截断了一下,否则每篇声音略长

  • 僦辄漾


    Bolazynes 回复 @僦辄漾: 感谢认可欢迎常来

  • w未央_


    Bolazynes 回复 @w未央_: 偏英音一些

  • 太闷了


  • Vicky_mdc

    天啊 这和native speaker没什么两样。太惊人了。求经历。

    Bolazynes 回复 @Vicky_mdc: 找到自己英语相关的爱好哈,自然而然就持续下去了,我以前比较迷嘻哈,连了两首说唱,很有效哦

  • 听友125571646


    Bolazynes 回复 @听友125571646: 对照着字幕哈,一点点来