


One of the common mistakes about reading is that aiming too much or focusing on numbers too much i know reading tons and tons of books might feel you amazing about yourself and even maybe feed your eagle a little bit but in those scenarios you need to remember the reason. Is in why you are reading when we are reading something we want to either enjoy the process maybe reading fiction books or if you are reading nonfiction books or probably want to learn something. If you can read ten books a month. And if you have time to do an effective output every single time after you read that is amazing. Like good for you but most of us don't have time to do an effective output every single time when we reach something because effective output actually takes quite a lot of times and in order to absorb that information you need to repeat that action and those steps take. Quite a lot of time instead of focusing on how many books you have read focusing on applying the lessons you have learned from the books. Your life so in today's video IM going to debonk some. About the reading i want to share some tips and tactics to learn effective reading so let's get started one of the easiest way to apply the lessons from the book you have learned is creating to do less. The book you。 have learned might be the most impactful or beneficial book you。 have ever read but if you're an underlying dose lessons in your life dubanus. Pretty much meaningless so don't forget most of us already actually know what we have to do but the difficult part is applying those things into our life not learning about new information creating the to do a list will help you with that because it's actually required。You to take an action this to do this can be about things you have learned from the book and want to apply to your life or maybe things you want to change in your life so let's say, you。 have read a book about productivity let's say there are like five tips you have learned about them and you found them a may. Using maybe this can be a solution to my problems but if you re not going to apply them into our life. Pretty much meaningless to balance you know tip1just write that to the. Maybe it's five minutes role which basically means if. A task takes you less than five minutes do right away don't postbox so for it to do less you write. Apply to five minutes rule into your life every day follow this to do a list for a week and give yourself a feedback after repeating a couple of time this to note to do a list and after a couple of weeks you probably have learned your lessons so move wanted the next. Book another method that i can share is having always in your mind that you are going to share it later on to other people most of us turn the pages for the sake of turning it and oftentimes it's just an action to feed your ego. But how can we read deeply if you want to like get the most out of the book we need to read deep. And easy way to do this is testing yourself. And what do i mean by that if you can explain the general idea of the book in a minute congress。You understood the book it my son easy but if you have a book next to you. Try to like explaining in on. A minute if you already know that you need to like summarize it under a minute after you read each time before even reading the book you will be more conscious about the highlights of the book because you know you need to summarize it so you like try to actively. Mine the key points of the book and you kind of like start to input less of the unnecessary. Information another thing that is not really talked enough in book committee is i think reading without a bias we re reading a book it is important to input without any biases especially when we are trying to learn something new from the book we should read books about. Same topic but from different perspectives it might be a bit uncomfortable but don't forget growth doesn't come from. A place of comfort by reading books from different. Standpoints will love you to exp,and your vision and deepen your understanding altopic when you are reading the book that you don't necessarily agree try to figure out why you don't agree and which points specifically you know. Agree it can be books about like maybe psychologies psychiatry or maybe some books about politics or religion or anything but when just reading about the same topics try to read from different author. That have different opinions about them so that you won't get biased about?On topic books are a great way to learn yourself but if you want to get more creative and learn maybe a bit more intractively. Skill share is the best choice for you skill share is an only learning community with thousands of classes. Cross hundred and fifty countries. Across the world who come together to find inspiration and take their creativity journey to the next level have a specific skill you want to learn skilter is the best. Platform to learn whatever you want to learn from productivity videos to cooking videos to well being. And even you can fund classes about playing. Piano if you want to find a new hobby without using a social media there are tons of classes like learning how to draw using. Had for with penn paper like classical women. Francs and ali of those cores. And maybe soon my class too i am planning to release language or either maybe notion。Us on skilcher so staging now is the time to do the thing that you always wanted to do. The first thousand people to use linking the description below will get a one one free skilled trial thank you a skills share for responsory in this video okay so now let's talk about picking the perfect book. Books are not cheap not going a eye and especially for quite into reading with the time it can read it up and i don't know ten fifteen dollars for the book that you don't enjoy not only invasive. Money but it can be also a waste of time so i think there is no reason for you to spend your. Time and money for the books that you don't enjoy or that. You don't find helpful and some of the ways to find a perfect books can be listening to the advises of people who you trust. If you know their taste and if you trust their recommendations like picking a couple of maybe can be youtubers it can be some celebrities it can be ceo like business people or maybe it can be even your teacher if you. Their opinions if you respect them and if they have a book recommendation i think always taking out those second books is quite important when i say like. Expect as some sort of a business woman or a businessman i tried to read the books that they like godad i can learn the lessons that they learn. From these books because most of the time really successful people have a couple of like favorite books of themselves which really allow them to have the mind said that they re having these days so it is a really important check out those books and try to underst,and from their standpoints why?Specifically like this book and what you can learn from that book i think this is one of the greatest way to pick the book if you re really into. It can be actually nonfiction fiction doesn't matter another way to. Perfect book for yourself is watching book the commendation videos and reading the comments reading the comments is actually an important part because for example jack edward he does a quite a lot of like book review type of video and he explains why。 he liked it why。 he didn't like it and on the. Common section there are people like discussing about it. Sure there are people who like this book too or maybe people take that book so by rating a common section you can read people discussing about. And maybe discussing me about particular part of the work we re just quite interesting in my opinion so a highly recommend checking out book. Canalless talk about how to read books. Effectively i hope you are not buying a book and starting from the first face and reading all the way i hope you re not doing it. In order to read effectively and retain as much as possible information you need to have easter. Goal the first step should be defining your goal。Freeding that book and please write it down to someone else it can be your journal or it can be your. Notion and then looking to the table of contents and pick three titles that you re interested in and always keeping your mind why you pick this book and read the book with that intention i think picking three titles is a great way to start because. If it's a really great book i feel like there's so many informs. Nations you would like to retain redundant trying to retain all of them. Singing to three maybe parts. At his time is more sustainable than trying to remember like twenty of the tips. That they re showing in that book. So just pick three titles that you will be focusing on and then the reason why you want to read that book and. Have that in mind while reading so. That you won't get lost and lost what not least right a book summary and check whether you satisfy the reason why you wanted to read the book?First place i usually summarize the books on. A book and i just like write some of the key points of the book so that i will be able to remember and when i open my journal when i want to remember about a book i just open a page and i. To the title and i look at to the key point and i was like oh, yeah this look was about this. Okay i hope all of these tips helped you guys maybe even one of them helped you please. I hope so and i hope more people will start to enjoy reading so?

