嘉玛·陈 | 我值得

嘉玛·陈 | 我值得


We’re worth it! Though we times in the world tries to make you think that’s not true! There are so many things: systems, patterns and behaviours design to make you less than, because of our gender, our sexuality, our appearance or our background.


We’re worth it is a reminder that it’s not true! We all have value. So when we come across bias, prejudice, bullying, online hate, anything like that, we have to remind the world that we’re not going to take it. Because we worth so much more!


Say I’m worth being judged of my character and my capabilities before even you think about asking me where I’m really from. I’m worth being the center of my own story. I’m worth being able to walk down the street without being harassed or even attacked, simply because what I look like or where I’m from.


I’m worth respect. And so is she, and so is he. So are they, and so are you. We have to call out discrimination. We have to call out hate. And if we’re able to, we have to stand up for our worth. Because that the only way the change can happen.


And look! I know it can be painful, and I know it can be scary and I know sometimes it can feel exhausting, and it’s going to take time. But it’s so, so important!


So let’s remind ourselves and say it together out loud: we’re worth it! Because we are! Every single one of us!


