



South Korea’s governing party plans to put forward legislation that would permanently attach school bullies’ bad behavior to their educational records, making it harder for them to get into college and even gain jobs when they’re older.

School bullying is a national talking point in Korean society that has risen in prominence in recent months because of popular television dramas and political scandals.


1. governing party 执政党

· governing /ˈɡʌvərnɪŋ/ adj. 统治的,治理的

· the governing body 行政机构

· party /ˈpɑːrti/ n. 政党

2. put forward 推出,提出

· put forward some suggestions 提出一些建议

3. legislation /ˌledʒəˈsleɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 法律,法规

· put forward legislation 推出法规

4. permanently /ˈpɜːrmənəntli/ adv. 永久地

· to settle permanently 永久定居

5. attach A to B 使A与B有联系,挂钩

· attach /əˈtætʃ/ v. 附上,贴上

6. school bullies 校园霸凌者

· bully /ˈbʊli/ v. 恐吓,伤害 n. 横行霸道者

· school bullying 校园霸凌

7. talking point 话题

8. rise in prominence 越来越引人注意、日益突出

· prominence /ˈprɑːmənəns/ n. 重要,突出

9. television dramas 电视剧

· drama /ˈdræmə/ n. 戏剧

10. political scandals 政治丑闻

· scandal /ˈskænd(ə)l/ n. 丑闻


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