04073 A good horse want turn around好马想吃回头草,怎么办?

04073 A good horse want turn around好马想吃回头草,怎么办?


A good horse wants to turn around, whatshould I do?

If you want to get back with your ex, thefirst thing you need to do is give yourself some time to reflect on therelationship. Why did you break up? What is the problem? What are you all doingwrong? What could you have done differently? Once you've had time to reflect,you can start thinking about whether you're ready to try again.

If you decide you're ready to try again,the next step is to talk to your ex-girlfriend. Be honest with her about howyou feel and why you want to get back together. Be ready for her to say no, andbe ready for her to say yes. If she says yes, then you need to start rebuildingthe relationship. It will take time and effort, but it is possible if you areboth willing to put in the effort.

Here are some tips for deciding whether toget back with your ex-girlfriend:

Consider the reasons for the breakup. Ifthe reasons are serious, such as infidelity or abuse, it may not be a good ideato get back together. However, if the cause is minor, such as a financialdisagreement or being apart for too long, it may be worth trying to work thingsout.

Think about what you want in arelationship. What was the reason for your relationship breakdown? What is yourinsurmountable bottom line? Make sure you and your ex are on the same pageabout what you want out of a relationship.

Be honest with yourself about how you feel.Do you really love your ex-girlfriend, or are you just lonely? Are you tryingto get back together out of fear of being alone? Be honest with yourself aboutyour motivations before making any decisions.

If you're not sure what to do, it mighthelp to talk to someone with experience. They can help you understand how youare feeling and help you make the best decision.

Ultimately, the decision to get back withyour ex-girlfriend is yours. There is no right or wrong answer. The mostimportant thing is to make a decision that you think is in your best interestand then act on it, and you will grow from it, success or failure.

