629 – 一集搞定语调上扬 Rising tone

629 – 一集搞定语调上扬 Rising tone

1. Asking a question
- Are you coming with us?
- Is that your bag?
- You didn’t show up yesterday. Were you sick?
- Was he with you when the accident happened?
- Do you know him?
- Did you see my car keys?
- Have you been to Xiamen?
- Has the movie started yet?
- Did you want a small or a large Americano?
- Was it a blue, red, purple or a yellow bird?
- Should I call him now or tomorrow?
- What’s the flight number?
- How did you get here?
- Where’s the train station?

2. Seeking confirmation
- You are coming to the party tonight, aren’t you?
- He hasn’t replied to my call yet, has he?
- It’s not that cold outside, is it?
- She’s married, isn’t she?
- He said he didn’t like the movie, didn’t he?
- You would never tell him, would you?

3. Express uncertainty
- I think I left the key on the counter?
- I thought I bought milk?
- She said she liked the red one?

4. Making a list
- I’m gonna buy some eggs, milk, detergent and bread.
- She’s received offers from UCLA, USC, Carnegie Mellon and Georgia Tech.
- I saw a lot of high school classmates today: Tom, Maria, Lisa, John and David.
