L90 Easter 复活节
作者:Aiden Gibb, 上海美国学校(浦东), 2024届; 编辑:Cathy Shang,上海美国学校(浦东), 2023届;
录音:Abigail Chang, 上海美国学校(浦东), 2024届; Jasmine Liu, 上海美国学校(浦东), 2024届;
复活节本是宗教节日, 但现已成小朋友们非常喜欢的节庆,今天我们就来聊一聊⻄方的复活节吧!
A: Why did you buy so many eggs? A: 你干嘛买这么多鸡蛋?
B: It is Easter this coming Sunday. Kids are comingto our house to color the eggs.
B: 这周日是复活节, 小朋友们会来家里画彩蛋
Color 名词是颜色大家应该会, 这个字也有脸色, 情调的意思; 这里是动词, 上色
Fall colored the trees. 秋天给树木都上了颜色, 这里是动词
A: What is Easter? A: 什么复活节?
B: Easter is an important western festival.
B: 复活节是⻄方一个重要的节日。
Important, western, festival 都学过啰
Western 是⻄方的, 那东方的呢(eastern), 东方人呢? (easterners)
A: Why do you color eggs to celebrateEaster?
A: 为什么用画彩蛋来庆祝复活节?
B: Eggs symbolize new life. The Christians stainedeggs red in memory of the blood of Christ at his crucifixion. A modern customis to decorate eggs with many colors and paintings. Some even use decoratedchocolate, or plastic eggs filled with candy.
B: 鸡蛋象征着新生。基督徒将鸡蛋染成红色,以纪念基督在十字架上洒下的鲜血。现代习俗是用多种颜色和绘画来装饰鸡蛋。有些人甚至用装饰过的巧克力蛋或装满糖果的塑料蛋来代替
这两句生词比较多, 有几个字比较少用可以不记, 其他多背几次
Symbolize 我们之前学过Symbol 是名词, 象征, 符号;
symbolize是动词, 用符号代表, 象征
A heart shape is asymbol of love. 心型是爱的象征
A heart shape symbolizeslove. 同样意思, 这里是动词
Christian 基督教的, 也是名词, 基督教徒
It is a Christiancountry. 这是个信奉基督教的国家
He is a Christian.他是基督教徒
Stain 给...染色, 留下污渍, 也是名词, 东⻄上的污渍, 名声上的污点
This rug stains easily. 这地毯不耐脏, 这里是动词
How can I get the stainout? 我怎样才能除掉这个污点? 这里是名词
Crucifixion 钉死在十字架上, 酷刑, 受难
Modern 现代的, 当代的, 时髦的
We are going to a modernart museum. 我们要去一个当代美术馆
Modern technology has made many impossiblepossible. 现代科技让很多不可能变成可能
Celebrate, memory, blood, custom, decorate,plastic 都学过啰!
A: What do you do with the colored eggs?Do you eat them?
A: 彩蛋画后做什么呢? 吃吗?
B: We play egg rolling and egg hunt. We roll thecolored eggs on the ground or on a slope. People whose eggs don’t break afterrolling are the winners. We also hide eggs for kids to find them.
B: 我们玩滚蛋和找彩蛋游戏。我们在地上或斜坡上滚彩蛋,彩蛋没破的人是赢家。我们还把鸡蛋藏起来让孩子们找。
Slope 斜坡, 山坡; 动词是倾斜, 有坡度, 或悄悄溜走
The church is built on aslope. 教堂建在山坡上
They got bored andslopped off. 他们觉得无聊就悄悄溜走了
Hide 隐藏, 隐瞒, 躲藏; 名词是躲避处, 隐身处
Let’s play hide andseek. 我们来玩捉迷藏
Don’t hide your head inthe sand. 别把头藏在沙里, 意思是不要逃避问题
Roll, hunt, ground, break 都学过了, 可以用这几个字造几个句子给志愿者听?
A: That sounds fun. Let me help you hidethe eggs.
A: 听起来很好玩. 我来帮你藏彩蛋
B: I will also need you to pick up some bunnies,baskets, and lily flowers.
B: 我需要你帮我去买些兔子, 篮子, 和百合花
Bunny 兔子, 是小孩子的说法; 常听到的是rabbit 或hare�兔. 龟兔赛跑翻译用的是hare, the tortoise and the hare, 可不是rabbit 或bunny哟
Lily 百合花或睡莲, 也是女孩名”莉莉”; 也是形容词, 洁白的, 纯洁的
She is as pure as alily, 她像百合一样纯洁
Gild the lily; gild 是镀金, 给百合花贴上金箔,
意思是”画蛇添足”, “多此一举”
A: Bunnies? Are you having a petting zoo?Or, is it for the year of rabbit?
A: 兔子? 你要搞宠物动物园吗? 或者,是为了兔年?
B: Bunny is another symbol of Easter, because ithas strong reproductive ability. Bunny represents the ability of creating newlives.
B: 兔子是复活节的另一个象征,因它有很强的繁殖能力。兔子代表创造新生的能力。
Pet 名词是宠物, 得宠的人; 动词是抚摸, 宠爱; 也是形容词, 很喜欢的, 宠爱的
Do you have any pets? 你有养宠物吗?
She petted the baby tomake him stop crying. 她摸摸小宝宝让他停止哭泣
This is his pet project.这是他最钟爱的项目, 这里是形容词
Reproductive繁殖的, 生殖的; 动词是reproduce; 名词是reproduction
Represent 代表, 意味着
I represented my school to attend the nationalsinging competition.
The resulted arerepresented in chart two below. 结果如下图二所示
A: I see. Where can I buy bunnies and howmany do you need? I don’t know how to take care of rabbits.
A: 懂了。去哪里可以买到兔子? 你需要多少只 ?我不知道如何照顾兔子
B: Not real rabbits but stuffed bunny toys fordecorations. In some traditions the children put out their empty baskets forthe Easter bunny to fill while they sleep. They wake to find their basketsfilled with candy, eggs, and other treats.
B: 不是真的兔子啦,是用来装饰的兔子玩具。在某些国家的传统中,孩子们把空篮子放外面,复活节兔子会在他们睡觉时把篮子装满, 他们醒来就会发现篮子里装满了糖果, 彩蛋, 和各种零⻝。
Stuff, decoration/decorate, tradition, empty,treat/treats 不是在上面就是在其他课学过了,可以 告诉志愿者在这两句的意思及之前学过的其他意思吗?
A: Oh, Easter bunny is like ChristmasSanta Clause!
A: 噢, 复活节的兔子就是圣诞节的圣诞老人!
B: More or less. Don’t forget to buy lilies.
B: 差不多. 别忘了也要买百合花.
More or less 或多或少, 大约, 差不多
The class is more orless over. 课快结束了
How much will it cost,more or less? 大概会花多少钱?
A: Sure. Can other flowers work too incase I can’t find lilies?
A: 没问题. 要是找不到百合, 其他花也可以吗?
B: Lilies are seasonal that you should be able tofind. If not, tulips and irises can work too. B: 百合当季, 应该买的到. 如果没有 郁金香和鸢尾花也可以
A: Got it. Sounds like a fun religiousholiday.
A: 好的. 听起来真是个有趣的宗教节日
Seasonal season 季节, +al 变形容词, 季节性的, 应节庆需要的
There are four seasonsin a year. 一年有四季
We should eat seasonalfood. 我们应该吃当令⻝物
Tulip 就是郁金香花; Iris 鸢尾花, 复数要加es; 大家还知道哪些花?
(Volunteers: rose玫瑰, carnation康乃馨, orchid兰花, plum blossom梅花, cherry blossom樱花, osmanthus桂花)
Religious 宗教的, 名词是religion 宗教, 宗教信仰, 特别的兴趣追求
She is very religious. 她很虔诚
For him, football is hisreligion. 对他来说, 足球就是他的信仰