28 大结局 | 夜晚是一天中最美的时刻,就是如此!

28 大结局 | 夜晚是一天中最美的时刻,就是如此!




His claim was that for a great many people, the evening was the best part of the day, the part they most looked forward to. 
Stevens : Of course, the man had been speaking figuratively, but it is rather interesting to see his words borne out so immediately at the literal level. 
The pier lights have been switched on and behind me a crowd of people have just given a loud cheer to greet this event. 

"Lord Darlington wasn't a bad man. He wasn't a bad man at all. And at least he had the privilege of being able to say at the end of his life that he made his own mistakes. His lordship was a courageous man. He chose a certain path in life, it proved to be a misguided one, but there, he chose it, he can say that at least. As for myself, I cannot even claim that. You see, I trusted. I trusted in his lordship's wisdom. All those years I served him, I trusted I was doing something worthwhile. I can't even say I made my own mistakes. Really - one has to ask oneself - what dignity is there in that?"

"Now, look, mate, I'm not sure I follow everything you're saying. But if you ask me, your attitude's all wrong, see? Don't keep looking back all the time, you're bound to get depressed. And all right, you can't do your job as well as you used to. But it's the same for all of us, see? We've all got to put our feet up at some point. Look at me. Been happy as a lark since the day I retired. All right, so neither of us are exactly in our first flush of youth, but you've got to keep looking forward." And I believe it was then that he said:
"You've got to enjoy yourself. The evening's the best part of the day. You've done your day's work. Now you can put your feet up and enjoy it. That's how I look at it. Ask anybody, they'll all tell you. The evening's the best part of the day."

It is curious how people can build such warmth among themselves so swiftly. It is possible these particular persons are simply united by the anticipation of the evening ahead. But, then, I rather fancy it has more to do with this skill of bantering. Perhaps it is indeed time I began to look at this whole matter of bantering more enthusiastically. After all, when one thinks about it, it is not such a foolish thing to indulge in - particularly if it is the case that in bantering lies the key to human warmth. 

It occurs to me, furthermore, that bantering is hardly an unreasonable duty for an employer to expect a professional to perform. I have of course already devoted much time to developing my bantering skills, but it is possible I have never previously approached the task with the commitment I might have done. Perhaps, then, when I return to Darlington Hall tomorrow - Mr Farraday will not himself be back for a further week - I will begin practising with renewed effort. I should hope, then, that by the time of my employer's return, I shall be in a position to pleasantly surprise him.

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  • Emma_b3p


  • 丁丁的老公公


    超级英语课堂 回复 @丁丁的老公公: 感谢支持,相约下一季~

  • 獭宝儿otter


  • 天枫Zoro

    西装 史蒂文斯一直有一件西装 那是父亲送给他的礼物 父亲一直平平整整的的穿着它 不曾有过一丝褶皱 我每天看着他 也看着它 终于 自然而然的 我也想拥有它 所以 不知不觉的 我穿上了它 我学着父亲的样子 一丝不苟的打理着它 不让它有一丝褶皱 它其实不是一件西装 它是我的尊严 我独有的属于管家的尊严 一个真正的绅士绝不会在任何人面前脱下自己的西装 虽然里面还有衣服 但是 在人前 这就是赤裸裸 这就是没有尊严 这 就是…死亡

    天枫Zoro 回复 @天枫Zoro: 一个真正的管家绝不会质疑自己的主人 尤其当他是一个好人 他的理想便是我的理想 他的世界便是我的世界 一个完美的管家 就是让主人离不开他 又感觉不到他 或者说 他 成为了主人的一部分 那个女管家 明明能力那么强 却总是做些多余的事 她不知道吗?我的房间 不需要花 一个管家的房间 不需要颜色 她总是多管闲事 明明庄园里 正在发生这足以改变世界的大事 有那么多人需要我们服务 有那么多工作需要我们完成 她还陪在奄奄一息的我的父亲的身边 她不知道吗?一个专业的管家 永远不会脱下自己的西装 她不知道吗?我没有去陪伴父亲 因为这一刻 我正成为父亲 只是啊 我不知道 为什么明明在房间里 却好像下起了雨

  • 学海无涯Z


    超级英语课堂 回复 @学海无涯Z: 有道上老师有讲新课哦

  • 语低香近

    The remains of the day 到了一天的结束才会明白这一天留给你的是什么 老实说 前面许多段落 都让人太不喜欢 Stevens 人生多难得 才能遇到一位喜欢的人儿 更难得她还正好对你暗生情愫 你用工作当借口 可生活始终还是一团糟 不明白为什么这样的人能当好大管家呢 既然喜欢的人就在眼前 难道你就不想多和她多点时间在一起吗 Kenton 有矜持可以理解 你一个绅士怎么一点骑士精神都没有呢 所以这段journey的一开始 以为是救赎 事实上最后也算是吧 只是转折还是太突然 这场错过我还是认为没缘由 本打算精读 让自己也随着旅途洗礼 要不是小猫老师的声音 还是不喜欢这书的人

  • Emi_ee

    又反复听了好几遍 挺多感悟的 各种

    超级英语课堂 回复 @Emi_ee: 情感如此细腻一定是个女孩子!

  • chengchengsunshine


    超级英语课堂 回复 @chengchengsunshine: 一起期待~

  • nonabeijing

    小猫老师 第三季在哪里呀?!特别期待了。nina

  • 弎栎
