5单元66页 Reading for Writing

5单元66页 Reading for Writing


reading for writing.

one read these posts from an online forum for Chinese students who are learning english and fill in the table on page sixty seven.

learning english. hey,everybody,what are your biggest problems with learning english?hi,i've been studying english since primary school. I used to get high marks in english,but now I'm having a lot of trouble with my listening. when I listen to native english speakers talking in a video,i can catch only a few words i can never quite get the main idea any advice.listening to english radio programmes helps me get used to how fasci native speakers talk. I also repeat what I hear to help myself to experience the feeling of the language.sometimes i even record my voice so i can listen to myself and compare my prof oster with the radio hosts. mybiggest headache is how to be polite in english. it's so much easier just to say open the window,but in english that can sound really terrible. I have to think about who I am talking to and then decidewhether to say open the window,please or could you open the window,please?or even longer,would you mind opening the window,please? yeah,that's really hard. I think it all depends on who you're talking to.if I'm talking to a close friend,i can use short requests like open the window,our relationship is close. and we're equals. so i only need a few words to bridge the gap between US.but if I'm talking to someone who isn't very close to me,I must make my request longer. and I must make it a question,not a demand,for example,could you open the window,please?if I'm talking to someone senior to me,then I should say,would you mind opening the window,please? for me vocabulary is mybiggest problem,there are just so many new words.i can't keep all the new vocabulary straight in my head and i certainly can't remember how to use them all properly.help.

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