凯特王妃 | 2023年心理健康周讲话

凯特王妃 | 2023年心理健康周讲话


I'm delighted to be supporting Children's Mental Health week yet again. And it's lovely to be here at St John's Primary School. It's been wonderful to speak to so many children here about the importance of connections and the important people in their lives too.


Boy 1: The project we’re working is connecting with others.

Boy 1: 我们正在做的项目是与他人建立联系。

Kate: And why is that important do you think?

Kate: 那为什么你认为与他人建立联系很重要?

Boy 1: Connecting at least our motion to your other people that you care about.

Boy 1: 因为它至少把我们的举动和你关心的人联系起来。

Kate: Absolutely! And it helps you feel positive things doesn't it, makes you feel like you've got relationships and people in your life that matter. Who is also special in your lives?

Kate: 完全正确!它帮助你感受到积极的东西,对吗?让你觉得你的生活中有了重要的关系和人。谁在你们的生活中也很特别?

Boys&Girls: Your friends.

Boys&Girls: 你的朋友们。

Kate: Your friends, absolutely! And what do friends give you that it's harder to get for your family.


Boy 1: As if you're the playground and you like sad your friends do come when you're playing, you know.

Boy 1: 就像你在操场上,你很伤心,你的朋友们都过来陪你玩儿。

Kate: Yeah, what do all the different colors read?

Kate: 对,所有这些不同的颜色代表什么?

Girl 1 : So the blue means sad, tired.

Girl 1: 蓝色代表难过,疲倦。

Kate: It's like a bit down yeah.

Kate: 是的,有点沮丧。

Girl 1: And red is like when you're so angry.

Girl 1: 红色代表你很生气。

Kate: Yeah, so really strong feelings. Yeah, if you're in the Red Zone here, what can you guys do to help?

Kate: 是的,非常强烈的感觉。如果你在红区里,你们能做些什么?

Girl 2: I like take deep breaths in and I drink a glass of water.

Girl 2: 我会深呼吸,然后喝一杯水。

Kate: It's really great. I did too. Well, thank you for having a chat with me today. And keep talking about your feelings, and keep asking others how they're doing, and helping them to talk about their feelings as well.

Kate: 非常棒,我也会这么做。感谢你们今天要请我和你们一起聊天。请继续谈论你们的感受,询问他人今天过的怎么样,并帮助他们让他们谈论自己的感受。

All: We say a big thank you. Thank you!


I'm a firm believer in giving children the skills that they need for life and focusing on their social and emotional developments.


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