3.10 英音朗读版

3.10 英音朗读版

  • 悦言乐

    Stop saying what you are not and start saying what you are. Stop saying what you don't have and start taking inventory of what you do have. You are a lot better off than you think.

  • 雨亦璁璁

    Stop saying what you are not and start saying what you are. Stop saying what you don't have and start taking inventory of what you do have. You are a lot better off than you think.

  • Sunny是个小太阳啊

    Stop saying what you are not,and start saying what you are. Stop saying what you don't have, and start taking eventary of what you do have. You are a lot better off than you think.

  • 听友416266527

    Stop saying what you were not and start saying what you are. Stop saying what you don't have and start taking inventory of what you do have. You are a lot better off than you think.

  • 听友451463873

    Stop saying what you were not and start saying what you are.Stop saying what you don't have and start taking inventory of what you do have.You are a lot better off than you think.