25下 | 人生再艰难,也要被戳穿

25下 | 人生再艰难,也要被戳穿



Stevens的旅途进行到了第四天下午,他来到了Little Compton, Cornwall,一点点靠近了Kenton.他目前的位置距离肯顿小姐也就15分钟路了奥。小说也日渐接近尾声了。


他住在非常舒适的玫瑰旅馆,静静看雨,等着再过40分钟就可以去跟凯特碰面了。这个40分钟干什么?当然又是跟我们唠唠早上发生的事和记忆里的事。早上从村里的夫妇家出发时还是艳阳高照,负责送Stevens的人是Dr. Carlisle.两个人自然就得开始聊了。自然又聊到了村民们和他们的谈资,于是dignity又出现了,而Dr. Carlisle的尊严又不一样,很有趣,我们来看看:


when I first came out here, I was a committed socialist. Believed in the best services for all the people and all the rest of it. First came here in 'forty-nine. Socialism would allow people to live with dignity. That's what I believed when I came out here. Sorry, you don't want to hear all this rot." 
"But I suspect it comes down to not removing one's clothing in public." 

The young Mr Cardinal had been building something of a name for himself as a columnist, specializing in witty comments on international affairs. 

I remember this American chap, even drunker than I am now, he got up at the dinner table in front of the whole company. And he pointed at his lordship and called him an amateur. Called him a bungling amateur and said he was out of his depth. Well, I have to say, Stevens, that American chap was quite right. It's a fact of life. Today's world is too foul a place for fine and noble instincts. You've seen it yourself, haven't you, Stevens? The way they've manipulated something fine and noble. You've seen it yourself, haven't you?"

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  • 三林员外

    Socialism would allow people to live with dignity.

  • 伊人望水


  • potpot_m7

    "I suppose Dignity is not removing one's clothes in public "