


HK to scrap mask mandate Wednesday


Hong Kong will lift its mask mandate on Wednesday, the city’s chief executive said on Tuesday. "(The) time is right for the mask mandate to be scrapped," John Lee Ka-chiu said to the media on Tuesday before the weekly Executive Council meeting. For high-risk venues such as hospitals and nursing homes, those in charge can require their staff and visitors to wear masks by issuing administrative instructions, he said. The decision was made based on pandemic statistics, which show no sign of rebound, and the fact Hong Kong has already built an extensive community defense against COVID-19, Lee said. The winter influenza season has also almost come to an end and the risks are under control, he added.

香港特区行政长官李家超28日上午宣布,香港3月1日起全面取消口罩令。“现在是时候取消口罩令了,” 李家超出席行政会议前会见媒体时说。他说,高风险地方例如医院和养老院等,负责人可以用“行政指令”方式要求职员及访客戴口罩。李家超说,取消口罩令基于几点考虑,包括数据显示香港疫情受控、并无大的反弹的迹象;香港已建立广泛及全面防疫屏障。他补充说,冬季流感已临近尾声,风险可控。


1、 influenza 

英/ ˌɪnfluˈenzə /  美/ ˌɪnfluˈenzə /

n. 流行性感冒

winter influenza season


Companies try four-day week, 92% keep it


Findings from a pilot program were released by Autonomy after 61 British companies with around 2,900 workers were enrolled in a trial four-day work week, with employees working an average of 34 hours per week between June and December 2022 while keeping their existing salary. 


The pilot program has been hailed as a "resounding success" after employees reported improved well-being and a majority of participating companies said they would keep the change. Employees at companies that adopted a four-day work week without pay cuts said they were happier and healthier, while revenues did not fall.


At the conclusion of the six-month trial, 56 of those companies, 92 percent, decided to stick with a four-day work week, and 18 did so permanently. The companies that participated were from a wide range of sectors and sizes and were permitted to design a policy tailored to their own needs, with the only conditions being that pay was not cut and employees were given a "meaningful" reduction in work time.


A shorter work week was found to improve employees' well-being. Before and after data showed 39 percent of employees reported feeling less stressed, while 71 percent had reduced levels of burnout at the end of the trial. Surveyed employees said they also felt less anxious, less fatigued and were sleeping better.


Employees also said their work-life balance improved, but the benefits were not limited to workers. Data also showed employees were much less likely to leave companies that participated in the trial program, with staff losses dropping by 57 percent in the trial period.


Charlotte Lockhart, co-founder and managing director of 4 Day Week Global, said the results were encouraging and findings from similar programs around the globe would be forthcoming.




英/ ˈpaɪlət /   美/ ˈpaɪlət /

n. 飞行员;领航员;(船只的)领航员;(电视)试播节目;常燃小火;航海手册;<非正式>职业骑师;<古>向导;(火车头前端的)排障器

adj. 试点的;(电信)控制引导信号

v. 驾驶(飞行器);领航;试验,试行;使(新法律)顺利通过;<文>带领,指引


英/ rɪˈzaʊndɪŋ /  美/ rɪˈzaʊndɪŋ /

adj. 响亮清晰的;轰动的;彻底的


英/ ˈbɜːnaʊt /  美/ ˈbɜːrnaʊt /

n.( 过劳或紧张导致的)精疲力竭,精神崩溃;(火箭或喷气式飞机的)熄火,燃油耗尽;(电器的)烧坏,烧毁;过度疲劳者;燃尽,烧光

Heart disease thought to be cause of giant panda Le Le’s death


According to a media release from the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens on Feb 26, the giant panda Le Le, who died last month at Memphis Zoo in the United States, may have succumbed to heart disease, a joint autopsy by Chinese and US experts has showed.


Experts of the two countries ruled out common diseases that may have caused Le Le's death, such as intestinal twist, aortoclasia and ruptured pyogenic liver abscess. Based on the cardiac lesions they observed, the experts have preliminarily judged this was what caused the death of the panda. But further pathological diagnosis is still needed to confirm the cause.


Le Le, born in 1998, came to the zoo with a female giant panda, Ya Ya, in 2003. In December, the zoo said that the iconic duo would "make the journey back to China within the next few months" as the current giant panda loan agreement with the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens was coming to an end.


Le Le died before that transfer took place, passing away in his sleep on Feb 3. At the same time, the expert team inspected Ya Ya, informing the zoo about the abnormal condition of Ya Ya's hair and making suggestions for the care of the giant panda.


China and the US are presently in the process of facilitating Ya Ya’s return to China.




英/ səˈkʌm /  美/ səˈkʌm /

v. 屈服,屈从;病情加重,死于(某疾病)


英/ ˌɪnˈtestɪnəl /  美/ ˌɪnˈtestɪnəl /

adj. 肠的


英/ eɪˌɔːtəˈkleɪzɪə /

[内科] 主动脉破裂


英/ ˌpæθəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l /  美/ ˌpæθəˈlɑːdʒɪk(ə)l /

adj. 病理学的;病态的;由疾病引起的(等于 pathologic)

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