英文名著分集阅读 大卫·高耶《蝙蝠侠:起源》 part7

英文名著分集阅读 大卫·高耶《蝙蝠侠:起源》 part7


Batman Begins by Goyer David



'Master Bruce! Master Bruce! Get up!'

Bruce opened his eyes.

Alfred was next to him.

And a part of the roof lay on top of him.

'Push!' said Alfred. 'You're strong. You can do it.'

Bruce pushed and pushed, and finally Alfred moved the piece of roof to one side.

Bruce got up and they escaped to the cave below.

'Oh, Alfred,' he said. 'What have I done? Wayne Manor is on fire and I can't help Gotham. I've made so many mistakes.'

Alfred smiled. 'And why do we fall, sir?' he asked.

'We fall,' said Bruce, 'so that we can learn to get up again. I must go!'

He changed into his Bat suit and took off in the Batmobile.


In a few minutes he was in Gotham.

The criminals from Arkham Asylum were running everywhere.

They were shouting and dancing and breaking things.

Rachel watched.

Above her a train stopped.

Some men in masks started to move a large machine onto it.

She ran to find Sergeant Gordon in the asylum.

He was sitting on the floor.

She could see that he was very ill.

He needed the antidote fast.

She took one of the bottles out of his pocket.

'It's OK,' she said. 'I can help you.'

Rachel gave Gordon the antidote and he slowly started to feel better.

The people from the asylum were shouting and coming nearer.

They were feeling bad from the white cloud.

Suddenly they started running towards Rachel and Gordon.

'Oh no!' thought Rachel. 'They're going to kill us.'

WHOMMMM! The Batmobile arrived from nowhere.

Batman ran towards Rachel.

He gave Gordon the keys to the Batmobile.

'Drive carefully,' he said.

Batman took Rachel in his arms and climbed up to the roof with her - above the dangerous cloud.

Gordon ran to the Batmobile.

From the roof Rachel and Batman could see all of Gotham.

'They were putting a large machine onto the train,' said Rachel.

Just then, the train started to move.

Batman suddenly understood.

'Of course,' he said. 'The railway line runs exactly over the river next to Wayne Tower. Ra's is going to use the machine there. He's going to turn the city's water into steam.  He's going to kill everyone.'

Batman moved to the edge of the roof.

'Batman, don't jump!' said Rachel. 'You could die. Please tell me your name.'

'The things I do are important, not the things I say.'

'Bruce?... Bruce!' shouted Rachel.

But Batman couldn't hear.

He was flying down. He landed on the roof of the train and held on.


People inside the train fired guns through the roof.

They hit Batman three times.

He fell off the roof.

The Ninjas in the last car of the train looked out of the window.

First they looked up. No Batman.

Then they looked down. Batman was still there!

He was hanging from a long line, flying from side to side under the train.

On a street below the train, there was a Ninja in the back of a green car.

He was pointing his machine gun at Batman.

Gordon came around the corner in the Batmobile.

He was driving very fast.

KERZAMMM!!He hit the green car.

It crashed and exploded into a ball of fire.

Batman climbed up the line to the train.

He got into the last car and finished the Ninjas there.

Then he went to the front of the train.

When he reached the first car, Ra's turned.

His mouth opened.

'You!?!' he said.

He took out his sword and ran at Batman.

Batman quickly moved to the front edge of the train.

Ra's lifted his sword over Batman's head.

Batman held it and broke it in two.

The train was moving nearer and nearer to the center of Gotham.

It was moving nearer and nearer to Wayne Tower.

'I must stop the train,' thought Batman.

He reached out of the front of the train and threw Ra's al Ghul's sword under

the wheels.

There was a terrible noise.

Ra's threw himself onto Batman and put his hands over his mouth and nose.

Batman couldn't move.

Everything started to go black.

'Now you're really frightened, aren't you?' said Ra's.

Batman looked into Ra's face.

He saw the end of the world there.

That made Batman angry.

And when he was angry, he was strong.

He suddenly pushed hard against Ra's and flew out of the train and into the sky.

Ra's looked up in surprise and anger.

Then he was very frightened.

The train was going to crash in less than a second.

It came off the railway line and fell down and down.

And then- CRRAAASSSSH!!!!

It landed in the car park in front of Wayne Tower and exploded into a ball of fire.

Soon all the bad guys were in prison or out of a job.

The people of Gotham began to build their great city again.

Everyone wanted to work together now.

William Earle walked into his office the day after the train crash.

He found Lucius Fox behind his desk.

'What are you doing in my office?' he asked.

'It's my office now,' said Fox happily. 'I'm the new boss of Wayne Enterprises.'

'Who says?' Earle asked.

'I say,' said Bruce from behind Earle. 'It's my business. Goodbye, Mr. Earle.'

There were builders at Wayne Manor.

They were slowly and carefully building a new house - exactly like the old one.

Bruce went to the old well in the garden.

He put a big piece of wood across the top.

Rachel was there with him.

'I fell down this well a long time ago. Do you remember?' he asked her.

'Of course,' she answered. '

Things were never the sam eafter that,' he said.

'What was different?' she asked.

Bruce put another piece of wood across the well.

Now it was completely closed.

'I wasn't a child anymore, he said. 'I began to be a man.'

'You're a great man, Bruce,' she said.

Bruce looked at her.

She could see that he loved her.

'There's no place for me between Batman and Bruce Wayne,' she said.

'I don't have to be Batman,' he said.  'I can choose my own life.'

'No,' she said. 'I don't think you can. Great people can't always choose their lives. Gotham needs you. Goodbye, Bruce.'

'Goodbye, Rachel,' he said. 'I'll do my best for Gotham.'

'I know you will,' she said.


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