IMF总裁拉加德 | 天下女人国际论坛视频讲话

IMF总裁拉加德 | 天下女人国际论坛视频讲话


Hello everyone. And many thanks to the invitation Lan to speak at your forum, Her Village International Forum. I would love to be with you and I can't. So let me just take just a few minutes of your time to make a few points.



One is our research at the IMF has cleared demonstrated that gender equality is critically important. It is not just a moral obligation, but it's an economic game changer. We know that from the research we have conducted at the IMF and from studies outside the IMF that women if they are allowed to participate in the labour force to the same extends as men, then they can be the economic game changer.



Now look at in the past few years, we have been able to innovate with support of the membership. Trying to analyse the contribution of women; trying to invent along the way the polices that would actually support women's contribution to the economy, to the larbour force, to more inclusive finance.



I know that on this particular forum the theme is Leading Innovation in a Time of Change. We all remember Marie Curie and her discovery of radioactivity and other physical as well as chemistry findings. We all know by now finally that if it hadn't been for a few women scientists, we might not have brought back from the moon those men who actually traveled there for the first time. We also probably know that some of the most beautifully designed cars are designed by women. So innovation is something that is very strong in women's talent.



But there are quite a few obstacles along the way, and I hope you to be focusing on that. One is in addition to just natural creativity, scientific background exposure to the digital world, and the skill that it requires are necessary. To achieve innovation, women must be allowed just like men to fail and fail many times along the way. This is something that is difficult for us. Because we tend to always want to demonstrate that we can succeed that we have done our homework, that we can study as hard as others. But I think we need to accept the fact that failure is definitely part of the process of innovating.



So with that, I would like to wish all of you a really good forum. And I hope that by being together, you will feel more empowered, richer more likely to succeed, because you will have allowed yourselves to fail along the way. Best of luck.


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