第1719期:Lunar New Year Shooting Shocks California Community

第1719期:Lunar New Year Shooting Shocks California Community


Police in California are investigating the deadly mass shooting Saturday night in the city of Monterey Park, near Los Angeles. The gunman killed 10 people -- five women and five men -- in an attack at the Star Ballroom Dance Studio, a dance school. The city has a majority Asian-American population and is known for its Lunar New Year’s celebration. Traditional dances and a parade had been planned for the first time since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020. But officials cancelled Sunday’s events because of the shooting. Other nearby cities increased security.

加州警方正在调查周六晚上发生在洛杉矶附近蒙特利公园市的致命大规模枪击事件。枪手在舞蹈学校 Star Ballroom Dance Studio 的一次袭击中杀死了 10 人,其中 5 名女性和 5 名男性。这座城市以亚裔美国人为主,以庆祝农历新年而闻名。自 2020 年 COVID-19 大流行开始以来,首次计划举行传统舞蹈和游行。但由于枪击事件,官员们取消了周日的活动。附近的其他城市加强了安全。

The police said they found the body of the gunman, whom they identified as 72-year-old Huu Can Tran, on Sunday. They said he had shot himself. Police say the gunman went to another dance school in a nearby city after the attack in Monterey Park. However, people disarmed the gunman and he fled. Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna said a white vehicle, a van, had been seen near one of the attacks and police launched a search. On Sunday, police found the van with the suspect’s body inside.↳ Luna said no other suspects were involved.

警方表示,他们于周日找到了枪手的尸体,他们确认他是 72 岁的 Huu Can Tran。他们说他开枪自杀了。警方称,枪手在蒙特利公园发生袭击事件后去了附近城市的另一所舞蹈学校。然而,人们解除了枪手的武装,他逃走了。洛杉矶县警长罗伯特卢纳说,在其中一起袭击事件附近发现了一辆白色的面包车,警方展开了搜查。周日,警方发现了装有嫌疑人尸体的面包车。↳ Luna 说没有其他嫌疑人参与其中。

The gunman’s motive, or reason, for the attack remains unclear, Luna said. Ten people were also wounded in the attack. Seven were under hospital care as of Monday. Luna did not release the ages of the victims but said they all appeared to be over the age of 50.↳ Congressional representative Judy Chu spoke at a news conference after the attack. She said she still had questions but said people in the city should feel safe.

Luna 说,枪手发动袭击的动机或理由仍不清楚。袭击中还有 10 人受伤。截至周一,七人正在接受住院治疗。 Luna 没有公布遇难者的年龄,但表示他们似乎都超过 50 岁。↳ 国会议员 Judy Chu 在袭击发生后的新闻发布会上发表讲话。她说她仍然有疑问,但说这个城市的人应该感到安全。

“The community was in fear thinking that they should not go to any events because there was an active shooter,” Chu said, adding, “You are no longer in danger.” The area has a big Chinese population. The Lunar New Year celebration was expected to bring 100,000 people to the area. The Associated Press (AP) reports that the mass shooting was the fifth in January. The AP defines a mass shooting as one in which four people or more are killed, not including the shooter.

“社区很害怕,认为他们不应该参加任何活动,因为有一名活跃的射手,”朱说,并补充说,“你不再处于危险之中。”该地区有大量华人。农历新年庆祝活动预计将有 10 万人前往该地区。美联社 (AP) 报道称,大规模枪击事件是 1 月份发生的第五起枪击事件。美联社将大规模枪击事件定义为四人或四人以上死亡,不包括枪手。

The Star Ballroom Dance Studio was holding a Lunar New Year event called “Star Night” on Saturday. It had advertised the event on its website the day before the shooting. Tony Lai of Monterey Park said he heard sounds the night of the attack but thought they were fireworks. He said he thought the city was very safe. Fifty-seven-year-old Wynn Liaw said she was shocked that such a crime could happen during the Lunar New Year’s celebration. She took a picture of the activity outside the Star Ballroom to send to relatives and friends in China. She said she wanted “to let them know how crazy the U.S. is becoming with all these mass shootings, even in the New Year.”

星舞厅周六举办了名为“星夜”的农历新年活动。它在枪击前一天在其网站上发布了此次活动的广告。蒙特利公园的托尼赖说,他在袭击当晚听到了声音,但认为那是烟花。他说他认为这座城市非常安全。 57 岁的 Wynn Liaw 说,她对在农历新年庆祝活动期间发生这样的犯罪感到震惊。她将星辰宴会厅外活动的照片拍了下来,寄给国内的亲友。她说她想“让他们知道美国在所有这些大规模枪击事件中变得多么疯狂,即使在新年也是如此。”

  • 丢了100的孩子

    mass shooting 大规模枪击案 fled(flee过去式)逃走 under hospital care 在医院治疗 appear to be 好像是 disarm 缴械

  • 1399899rrxc


  • 心蔚蓝103

    Chinese new year

  • 在渡劫的Lisa
