丑小鸭 Chapter 04丑小鸭变成白天鹅了

丑小鸭 Chapter 04丑小鸭变成白天鹅了

  • 静海叶雨

    Chapter Four The Ugly Duckling Becomes a swan Soon winter is past. It is spring. The birds are singing.The warm sun is shining. But the Ugly Duckling is still alone.The Ugly Duckling looks up at the sky. He sees beautiful swans. "I want to fly like them," he says. He runs and runs. And he spread his wings. Then he rises higher and higher. Oh, yes! He can fly! "Wow, look at me! I am an ugly duckling. But I can fly!" says the Ugly Duckling to a swan. "No, you are not a duckling," says the swan. "Look into the water. You are a swan."

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  • 静海叶雨

    The Ugly Duckling looks into the water. He sees a beautiful swan. "Is that me?" he says. “I am not an ugly duckling any more. I am a swan!" The Ugly Duckling is very happy.

  • skrbva


  • 乐乐妈_2m


    灿石王者 回复 @乐乐妈_2m:

  • skrbva
