AEE 1889- What the All Ears English Team is Watching

AEE 1889- What the All Ears English Team is Watching


This is an all ears. English podcast. Episode 1889 what the alliers English team is watching.
Welcome to the all ears. English podcast downloaded more than 200 million times. Are you
feeling stuck with your English? We'll show you how to become fearless and fluent by
focusing on connection, not perfection with your American hosts Aubrey, Carter the aisles
with and Lindsay McMahon, the English adventure, coming to you from Arizona and
Colorado, you SA to get real time transcripts right on your phone and create your
personalized, vocabulary list, try the alliers English app for iOS and Android.
Start your seven-day free trial at all years., forward slash app. When it comes to
English fluency, it's all about what you're watching and listening to Want to know what we're
watching In this episode. We share our top or recommendations so that you can laugh and
learn and get better at English.
Black Friday is almost here and we have an amazing package for you. This year, the make
time for English bundle everything in here is a lifetime access, save time, save money by
signing up at all ears. Friday, you'll be the first to know when the special
offer happens sign up.
Now, all your /. Black Friday. Hey Aubrey, how's it going today? I'm great. How
are you Lindsay? Awesome feeling really good. Glad to be on the show. Now today we're
talking about media, right? What we are watching. What is English watching? Oh this is so
fun. We had a listener.
Ask wanted our recommendations. We do talk about pop culture and sometimes we'll throw
in something, we watch. But we don't do this often to have a whole episode about some
recommendations. So, I know I'm so excited. And the funny thing is, that we are all so
different. I will, I think of many of us are really different from each other.
Like, we have very different tastes. I know, Jessica loves sci-fi. I do not like sci-fi. So, you
know, we all like different things for different reasons. As a team, we have very eclectic
tastes, right? Yeah. Is the vocab means like a lot of variety, a lot of different types of media
that we all enjoy.
Yeah, for sure. So first today, before we get into it, I want to see a huge thank you to our
team member. Our audio editor, gasp bar Aubrey. What does Gaspard do for us? Yes, he
does. All about audio editing on these blogs. He doesn't amazing job. If you like the sound of
the level sound good.

  • 听友486957092

    Handmaid’s taile, alone, queer eye, Forrest Gump, Nope