12月30日午间英语新闻:中国两项成果入选 “2022年十大科学进展”

12月30日午间英语新闻:中国两项成果入选 “2022年十大科学进展”


China Eastern begins C919 test flights


China Eastern Airlines on Monday launched test flights for the first ever C919 narrow-body passenger jet that would last 100 hours in total. The airline received the C919 plane, China's first domestically built commercial aircraft, from its manufacturer Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC) on Dec 9.


The test flights, if successful, would pave the way for the commercialization of the C919, aviation experts said. Similar flights will follow, until mid-February and last 100 hours in all, covering 10 airports in nine provinces and municipalities across China, the airline said.


The current round of test flights will verify the reliability of the preparations done by China Eastern for the C919. Successful test flights will confirm that the built-in-China aircraft can offer passengers a safe, efficient and comfortable journey. The large amount of data accumulated during the test flights would be provided to related divisions to assist the constant optimization and upgrade of the aircraft model, China Eastern said.


Each of the test flights would start from Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai, but destinations will be Beijing, Chengdu of Sichuan province, Xi'an of Shaanxi province, Haikou of Hainan province, Wuhan of Hubei province, Nanchang of Jiangxi province, and Qingdao and Jinan of Shandong province. The test flights will simulate the entire operation of flight planning and application, passenger boarding, pilot operation and aircraft maintenance, among others. The jet will fly back to Shanghai the same day after each test flight.


After successful test flights, the Shanghai-based carrier is expected to receive a corresponding operation license from the Civil Aviation Administration of China. The C919 is expected to be pressed into commercial operations this coming spring, when passengers can fly to and from Shanghai, Beijing, Xi'an, Kunming of Yunnan province, Guangzhou and Shenzhen of Guangdong province, and Chengdu.


The first batch of nine pilots, 24 flight attendants and 13 maintenance personnel completed training for this particular aircraft model, with a second batch of crew and staff members currently receiving training. They would be qualified to meet the initial operation requirements of the C919, the carrier said.

东航已完成首批 9 名飞行员、24名乘务员、13 名机务维修人员的机型培训,加上目前正在进行的第二批次重点岗位人员培训。该航空公司表示,他们将满足初期的验证飞行需求。


1. aviation

英 /ˌeɪviˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ 美 /ˌeɪviˈeɪʃn/

n. 航空,飞行(术);航空工业,飞机工业

2. maintenance

英 /ˈmeɪntənəns/ 美 /ˈmeɪntənəns/

n. 维护,保养;保持,维持;(依法应负担的)生活费,抚养费;包揽诉讼罪,非法资助诉讼罪

2 Chinese scientific achievements included in 10 biggest science stories of 2022

中国两项成果入选 “2022年十大科学进展”

Two Chinese scientific achievements are included in the 10 biggest science stories of 2022 chosen by scientists, according to a report in the Guardian. In COVID's boost to immune research category, the use of sniffable or inhale-able vaccines — mucosal vaccines, which are already used in China to tackle COVID 19 — was introduced by Sheena Cruickshank, professor of biomedical sciences and public engagement at the University of Manchester, the Guardian reported on Sunday.


Cruickshank said the inhale-able vaccines, which is much more appealing for people who are needle-phobic, may offer long-term protection against respiratory viruses. If these new developments deliver on their promise, then one day soon the calls for annual shots could be a thing of the past, according to Cruickshank.


In the AI new antibiotics category, Chinese scientist Ma Yue and his colleagues' efforts in using AI to overcome resistance and replenish our arsenal of effective antimicrobials while developing new drugs was praised by Eriko Takano, professor of synthetic biology at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology. This is an impressive success rate, which would not have been possible without the aid of AI, according to Takano.


Ma Yue and his colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Sciences used machine-learning techniques originally developed for natural language processing to identify antimicrobial peptides encoded by the genome sequences of microbes in the human gut. The algorithm identified 2,349 potential antimicrobial peptide sequences. Among them, 216 peptides were synthesized by chemical methods, and 181 were shown to have antimicrobial activity.

中国科学院的马越和他的同事使用机器学习技术来识别由人类肠道微生物基因组序列编码的抗菌肽(Antimicrobial peptide, AMP)。该算法识别出2349个潜在的抗菌肽序列,其中,216个多肽是通过化学方法合成的,181个具有抑菌活性。


1. inhale

英 /ɪnˈheɪl/ 美 /ɪnˈheɪl/

vt. 吸入,吸气;<美,非正式>狼吞虎咽,大吃大嚼

2. antibiotics 

英 /ˌæntibaɪˈɒtɪks/ 美 /ˌæntibaɪˈɑːtɪks/

n. [药] 抗生素;抗生学

3. replenish

英 /rɪˈplenɪʃ/ 美 /rɪˈplenɪʃ/

v. 补充,重新装满;补足(原有的量)

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